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I'm getting so annoyed by this emo thing. First off, these "emos" claim to want to stand out, yet There are tens or twenties of them at a time, that are usually all wearing clothes from Hot Topic. Irony? I think so. Plus, if they really are depressed, it's probably because they couldn't get the brand new Razr or their boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them. That's not depressed, that's selfish. Maybe if they hadn't spent all of their cash on black jeans, hoodies, and eyeliner they could've bought that new phone. Maybe if they hadn't become "emo" that girlfriend/boyfriend wouldn't have broke up with them.


Next group, the punks. Okay, I hate everything punk. Punk is just a festering wart on the beautiful face of rock music. Punk is music where people just get up on stage and play music, no matter how bad they are. And don't go saying "wuts about the ramonez!?1/", The Ramones were not punk, nor was The Clash, they were British nu-age! You people need to get your music genres straight. And another thing. GREEN DAY! Where to start? Firstly, they used to actually be good.. but then they decided to limit their wardrobe to red and black and eyeliner!? I miss the days when the drummer had green hair and wore clothes from thrift stores. I think all of you "punks" need to go grab a Boston album and learn how to rock.


The contemporary rocker. You're not cool just because you listen to Staind and have greasy hair. Get over yourself.


I'm not even gonna say anything about the "preps" who listen to "pop" music. I feel sorry for them.. they probably don't even know what real music is. They're just trapped in this little world of cell phones and American Eagle. Sad, sad, sad.


Awesometer: 11/10


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S'pose I'll talk about my opinions nobody wants to hear about these, just like Andy Rooney. Except I'm not old, I'm not on 60 Minutes, and nobodies paying me.


On the subject of emo's: TOO TRUE. I have seen WAY too many of my friends chase this Emo trend to a frightening high.


Green Day: Aww, but I like "Wake me up when September ends"... :P They were better in the 80's and 90's. I find the use of eyeliner is amazingly saddening in the sense a once-great band is using it to attract new fans. >,< And the black and red outifts are probably how they became popular again sadly; all these kids chasing the emo trend see these guys who had some decent rock in the 80's and 90's, their wearing black, red and eyeliner like them, and their in the punk genre(I personally see them as more of Alternative rock though), and think "An emo band. Finally a band who gets me"*.(*Emo-style thoughts simulated through a long study of emo's in their natural environment.)


Contemporary rocker: Agreed, I hate people thinking they're awesome just because they look like your stereotypical rock guitarist. ><


Pop music: Really hoping your not including the Beatles in that. ;)

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