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Planting Day was yesterday, and I found out that I, other than maybe two people, am the only one in my class with work ethics. The mud was more sticky/suck-you-into-the-groundy than I expected. I was half-waiting for someone to dislocate a hip or an ankle. My class and the 10th grade were planting button bushes to start with. I dug about 20 holes that had to be about a foot wide and 10 inches deep, and I finished every hole, about 30. Something that made the digging even more enjoyable is the fact that 90 percent of holes had to be dug in hard clay, which is why my digging arm [one closest to the end of the shovel, my left] has been in complete agony today. Even as I type this entry, whenever I extend or retract my arm, it hurts. Hence the title of this entry. After the character-building hole-digging, my class was assigned to plant these tiny plants under the water. Easier than the first planting, but harder to move around in the vacuum-inducing underwater mud. Post-underwater planting, my class was scheduled to go inside, but I the people running the operation, so to speak, needed some help with some more plants. I happily offered, getting out of my morning classes for the day. I planted some swamp roses, and afterwards washed off my steel-toed boots. My friend, Marcus, and I lazed around on the school's playscape for the next hour and a half. Then we had lunch. Hotdogs, chips, and water. I played tag with five of my friends, and we then had to go to fift hour.



Overall, it was a great day. It was sunny, about 65 degrees, and I didn't have a lot of classes.


My arm still hurts though, and I wish my class would get a work ethic.




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