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2nd Chances Moc Contest: Beasts! ( Bionicle Paracosmos Contest #1)




Welcome to the first Bionicle Paracosmos Contest! For anybody that isn't aware, the BP is my adventure mystery fanfic series, with epics, short stories, and an RPG; all of those that are online listed here.

For the future Epic #4: Twisted Island, I need a lot of super-dangerous beasts that will be let loose from a "zoo" of sorts as part of that epic's core mystery. These could be Rahi, mutants, animalistic titans, diminutive creatures, even seemingly nonliving objects that are actually alive and dangerous, etc. Whatever -- as wide a variety as possible is what I'm looking for. :)

This is a MOC contest because I've seen so many BBC contest entries or just random posted MOCs that are really cool, but only one can win, and they get forgotten and can't be in later BBC contests. I'd like to give them a second chance.

Therefore, this contest is open to past MOCs, with a seperate lesser category for new MOCs! The the winning MOC entries in this contest will be featured in BP Epic 4: Twisted Island. :D

Entry Period

Begins now. Ends 11:59 PM EST (which I call midnight :P) on Thursday, July 3.


At first this was going to be just for past MOCs, but on second thought I've decided to have two categories. 1) Past MOCs. 2) New MOCs. :P


1) Either a past BBC entry or a non-contest MOC may be entered in Category 1.

2) Past MOCs must have been made before May 15, 2008. Please link to the MOC's topic or something else with a date attached. Anything else goes in the New MOCs category.

3) No BBC contest winning MOCs.

4) Only enter your own MOCs, though you can ask others if they'd like to enter a MOC they've made.

5) Up to 3 MOCs per member.

6) Follow all BZPower rules.

7) I pick winners, but will listen to any "nominating" comments you make for someone else.

8) No set number of winners; will depend on how many enter, and overall quality of entries.

9) Entry format:

Category: [2nd Chances, or New MOC]
Beast Name: 

(Direct link the image by pasting the pic's URL between the image tags.)


1) Preference will be given to the past MOCs category.

2) I might wanna modify the descriptions somewhat for Epic 4; will ask enterer for permission if so, though.

3) Most likely only one of your three entries can win. For this contest though I might make exceptions; in that case, only one would get much story time, and wouldn't actually claim a spot on the numbered list of winning entries.

4) The island in Twisted Island will be mostly jungle with some swamp ground and some dry ground, and the only sources of light are various glowing plants, creatures, or lightstones. However, creatures from this "zoo" were collected by a mysterious being from all over the Bionicle universe, so pretty much anything goes. Just to set the stage for you a little more without giving too much away. :)

5) Preference will be given to non-humanoids, remember.


Winning beasts will be featured in Bionicle Paracosmos Epic 4: Twisted Island. Top winners will get the most story time, with the top few being important to the plot. Winning entries will also be listed in a winners' blog entry.


Recommended Comments

You still have the old topic? If you can link to it, it can be an old MOC. Assuming it's clearly that MOC judging from the topic. :P (I trust you enough that you probably don't need to worry, but it's good to follow the rule carefully just to be sure.)

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Man, so many awesome entries! B)


I'll probably post mine tomorow - I've made two, and they are kinda weird, since they aren't just the usual "scary teeth and claws monster" kind. No, they actually have unusual powers. :P



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If I enter a MOC that I was going to enter in a BBC contest, but couldn't upload in time, would it still go into the 'new mocs' section?

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Here's my second entry. Sorry for this being a humanoid and sorry for its uncreative name.



Category: New MOC

Beast Name: Monsterax

Topic: Topic

Description: This is a huge, stereotypical moster with sharp claws, bulky armor, great physical strength, a tiny brain and a preference for hunting in the night.

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Well, I'll post my second chances, and finish up my new one. Now, to probe my BBC#45 entries...



Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Water Dog (Used to be Hahli Husky XD)

Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?sho...=259237&hl=

Description: The Water Dog is a vicious animal that roams the coast. It uses its power to camoflauge into the blue waters and then suddenly spring up into a boat or swimmer. Its hind legs are powerful enough to rip therough a ship's hull, then it cuts and devours its prey with its razor sharp teeth and front claws. The Water Dog can look cuute if it is not a full size; 2 bios long and 1 bio tall.


EDIT: Hey Bones... If I post a Moc that is re-created for better pics, but I can give you proof that it was old (look at the topic and my brickshelf and see the adult eel) would that still count as a 2nd chances Moc?

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Okay, here's my three beasts (all of them are in the New MOC catergory):



Name: Guurgorn

Description: With its giant maw of teeth and huge forelegs, the Guurgorn looks quite fearsome. However, this extremely dangerous rahi’s true power is not in its strength or jaw, but in an extremely bizarre power it possesses. The Guurgorn seems to have some sort of connection with the powers of the Mask of Repulsion, only used in reverse. Instead of pushing itself away from things, it pushes them away from its body. This power allows the Guurgorn to hunt extremely effectively – when it spots food, it pushes the unfortunate creatures away, knocking it against walls, trees, and other objects until it succumbs to the pressure. It can also prevent blows from even grazing its armored skin, thus it is not wise to challenge a Guurgorn with standard weapons. Fortunately, Guurgorns are quite rare, and they have not been known to attack Matorans or other sentient beings unless provoked.




Name: Kiku Fly

Description: At first glance, the Kiku Fly is not a particularly fearsome creature. Spanning only about a foot in length, this large insect looks fairly weak, and would seem to be easy prey for larger creatures. However, the Kiku fly is actually an extremely dangerous creature. Using a self generated magnetic force, the Kiku fly works in large swarms, latching onto creatures far larger than themselves and carrying them away to their hive. Any unlucky creature that runs into a Kuku swarm will quickly find itself flown away to its doom. Besides their main power, Kiku flies also are resistant to most forms of energy attacks, including fire, plasma, and sonics. Their oneweakness is that they are extremely susceptible to water based attacks. Matorans and other sentient species know to run to the nearest water source if they are being chased by a swarm of Kiku flies.






Name: Jugondo Lava Ogre

Description: Measuring nearly ten feet high, and covered with burning hot scales, the Jugondo is about as fearsome as beasts come in the Bionicle Universe. This giant ogre-like creature actually lives in lava streams and volcanoes, hiding in the fiery liquid and waiting for prey to come by. When the Jugondo sees potential prey, it rises out of the lava and grabs it, dragging it back into the lava and drowning it in the fire. This incredibly ugly beast is a force to be reckoned with, as its body is so hot that simply getting near it is difficult.



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Is this good? I'm bad at story-writing.



Category: [2nd Chances]

Beast Name:Hand Of Destral

Topic:Never posted him. I've been working on him since last year.

Description: A long arm sticking out of the ground. A failed Makuta experiment. It is able to go through dimensions, so it's body is probably hidden away.



Category: [2nd Chances]

Beast Name:Southern Sea Beast

Topic:Link.Though I have improved him since then.

Description:A big dum creature form the bottom of the ocean. Has a big sword it can slice through prey with.

Talks matoran good, yes?



Category: [New MOC]

Beast Name: Hordika Rahnoz

Topic:Finished him last week.

Description: A former toa, now almost completely Rahi. He hates the Visorak and all toa that he says betrayed him.

He strangles foes with his four tentacle arms. Hee taalkss wiithh aa hissiing voiice...

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Category: [2nd Chances, or New MOC] New Moc

Beast Name: Twayzivl

Topic: [will edit when posted] here

Description: Twayzivl is a humanoid beast about the size of a matoran. He resides in the forests of the wilderness, and has great intelligence and memory. His senses are much better than a Matoran or a Toa; he has the eyesight of a hawk and the hearing of an elephant (are they known for their hearing? whatever; you get the point). His claws are are natural protosteel, and no one has gotten close enough to understand how that can be and lived. He has great speed, and his black and grey armour help him blend into the shadows. Overall, even with all his great senses, he prefers sticks to a stealth approach to capturing his prey. His tail has a blade at the end, he has great control, strength and flexibilty with this tail. He can use it as a third limb, a weapon or even a climbing aid! the possibilities are limited only to what is in his range and what Twayzivl can think of. His heart is located not in his chest, like humans, but in his neck, whihc is why his neck appears to glow.

Over and Out

Toa Zaxvo

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Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Silver serpent

Topic: Yeah...

Description: The silver serpent is a old rahi. It eats alot of things, especially if they are in their way.



Category:2nd Chances

Name: Rahi trap

Topic: Fly trap

description: As the name suggest, the are bionicle version of a venus fly trap. Rahi traps look like plants, which confuse other rahi. This is how they it. Their roots help them move around from place to place.



ccategory: second chance

beast name: Pester

topic:looky here

description: Pesters are small annoying creatures. They get their names for pestering in crops made by matoran. They usually travel in small swarms, 4-5 each. Pesters make giant nest made completely of of dirt and other materials. Pesters are very smart, and communicate in loud beeping sounds. If turned over they will always turn rightside up. A few swarms together can take down a toa.

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EDIT: Hey Bones... If I post a Moc that is re-created for better pics, but I can give you proof that it was old (look at the topic and my brickshelf and see the adult eel) would that still count as a 2nd chances Moc?

That's fine. :)

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So I herd u liek MOCzorz?


Here ya go


Name: Lizard Spider

Powers: Highly venomous fangs, acid spit and burning gaze (turns foe into ashes if they don't get out of the spider's view quickly)

Looks: A lime and dark green spider with glowing bright green spikes on its back and tail and a glowing bright green head. Red eyes and six legs, front legs have claws and can be used as "hands". The tail is used as stabilization and has a venomous stinger. Very stealthy and a quick tree-jumper.

And 'tis a new MOC.


-Exo (don't think so)
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Before I edit my entries, jus t want to know if plant-like rahi are allowed?, because it acts like a venus fly trap
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Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Muraenidae

Topic: Link

Description: For centuries, the matoran of Mahri-Nui have feared the dark waters for many reasons, but one of the major dangers that infests the water is Muraenidae. This creature has taken many of the matoran's Hydruka while they were harvesting, and Matoran's themselves. All this and including Kalmah's squids (which he is not too pleased about). Like all water-breathers, the air bubbles that the Hydruka shoot are lethal to it, but it takes a massive amount of them to take down this giant eel. There have been many attempts to tame this awesome creature, from the Matoran to Ehlek, the eel Barraki. It is known to be one of the only creatures to be untamed in the water by the Barraki. Muraenidae has alot of powerful attacks: a bite that can mangle a matoran's hand, powerful fin strikes, and fin blades that can cut though the toughest airweed. When it travels in the darkest parts of the waters, it's natural fluorescents light up, along with his eyes.



Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Gamakinta

Topic: Link

Description: Within the forests and swamps, a great frog lies predator to many creatures. Although huge, it's camouflage is impermeable. It's long tongue is one of the fastest moving objects within the swamps.


3rd entry pending/building in progress


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Before I edit my entries, jus t want to know if plant-like rahi are allowed?, because it acts like a venus fly trap

Yep. :)

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Here is one of my three entries: Picture and topic


Name: Esranos Dragon


Bios: A powerful beast, native to a island far to the west, though some have migrated elsewhere. They have powerful claws to slash on there front legs, while the back leg's claws are meant to grab prey. They are most awesome in they sky, dominating other fliers, but are weaker on the ground, though they are still a formidable foe even then.


Unlike some Rahi, they have a better ability to think. They are very observant, and you will not be able to fool the same one twice. They are masters on using the wind to their advantage in the sky.


These Rahi are usualy by themselves, but will help one another if one is hurt, or there is a drought or lack of food. Fortunatley, not may are found, almost to extinction, due to not enough food for them to eat at some places, otherwise these Rahi could destroy much together.


Abilties: They have powerful bodies, which they know how to use. They rarely go walking blindly into traps, but if they do, they have enoguh strenght to get out. One could defeat a entire team of Toa (With some bad injuries). There roar can be loud enough to make some enemies collapse.


The scales of these creatures are strong enough to prevent some damage from protosteel, and therefore cost a fortune to buy (If any hunter gets one alive)

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Finally my third entry:



Category: New MOC

Beast Name: Macrovirus

Topic: Topic

Description: Normally these are tiny creatures about the size of Protodites and Niazesk. But one specimen got enlarged under mysterious circumstances and now poses a threat to anyone passing its way. The virus attaches to its prey using its teeth and tentacles and then drains the prey's lifeforce like a sea squid.


Credit to Star Trek for the name. :P

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Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Haze Glow Beast

Topic: Here


Description: Haze Glow Beasts are gargoylish creatures typically depicted as winged humanoids with demonic features: generally horns, a tail, and sharp talons depending on the sex. Their legendary names comes from their strange habit to glow at night giving them a ghostly appearance. Their ghostly features go even further as they have been known to phase through solid objects. Unlike any other typical Rahi, these beasts feed on nightmares as well as evil thoughts for a source of energy but are powerless in sunlight. They are typically found in caves and forests.



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Sounds like an awsome contest. :) but just to clarify, would I be allowed to enter my Hapori Tohu, MOC, or my Tahu MOC? Or do they all have to be non-canon/non-bzp mascot charectars?
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For the future Epic #4: Twisted Island, I need a lot of super-dangerous beasts that will be let loose from a "zoo" of sorts as part of that epic's core mystery. These could be Rahi, mutants, animalistic titans, diminutive creatures, even seemingly nonliving objects that are actually alive and dangerous, etc. Whatever -- as wide a variety as possible is what I'm looking for.

I think that may clarify you. I'm not sure Tohu or Tahu would fit into those categories. :o



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Category: [2nd Chances]
Beast Name: Lava Ape
Topic: Click Here
Description: The Lava Ape is an ape-like creature that stalks the central jungles of Voya Nui. It has a powerful build and can wipe a Toa clear off their feet with a blow of its clawed hand. The Lava Ape also has been known to leap onto the air or out of a tree and slam into the ground, causing a small quake in the immediate area. As its name implies, the ape has a dependency on heat to sustain its power. Because of this fact, the only known and effective way of warding off a Lava Ape attack is to fight back with ice.


Category: [New MOC]
Beast Name: Nui-Chiropt
Topic: Click Here
Description: He is a type of bat found in Onu-Wahi tunnels known as the Nui-Chiropt. (For those of you who don't know, Chiroptera is the name for the bat family.) This guy is feared by many Matoran who work in the tunnels, and with good reason. Nui-Chiropts have been known to grow to such size that they can swoop, grab two Matoran by their masks, and carry them away into the dark recesses of the tunnels. Fortunately, they can be scared off by the waving of a single lightstone. This guy also has a face only his mother could love.

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Sounds like an awsome contest. :) but just to clarify, would I be allowed to enter my Hapori Tohu, MOC, or my Tahu MOC? Or do they all have to be non-canon/non-bzp mascot charectars?



For the future Epic #4: Twisted Island, I need a lot of super-dangerous beasts that will be let loose from a "zoo" of sorts as part of that epic's core mystery. These could be Rahi, mutants, animalistic titans, diminutive creatures, even seemingly nonliving objects that are actually alive and dangerous, etc. Whatever -- as wide a variety as possible is what I'm looking for.

I think that may clarify you. I'm not sure Tohu or Tahu would fit into those categories. :o



BD is right -- those don't sound very beastlike. As for non-canon/non-BZP mascot, that's not really important, as long as it's a beast. I'm just doubting Hapori Tohu is a beast. :P

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K, thanks for the clarification :) I have three entries.

Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Pack Muncher

Topic: here

Description: A small vicious (with a cute appearance :D) creature with powerful jaws. It hunts in large packs (hence the name). They are essentially equivalent to land piranhas.


Category: 2nd Chances

Beast Name: Rembathsis


Description: He is not a "beast", but rather a titan. He is a member of Oomn, can control water in all states of matter (Ice,steam etc...),influence the behavior of rahi and posses tremendous strength surpassing that of a makuta. He has a rather boisterous and emotional personality (similar to Alex Louis Armstrong from FMA).


Category: 2nd chance

Beast Name:POBs

Topic: here

Description: (this was originally the self-moc of my screen name and Dilbert character) A rather dumb and clueless rahi, with no visible powers, or defensive/offensive physical abilities, yet somehow causes extreme anxiety in other species of rahi when passing by. :P


Good luck everyone!

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(Click for gallery)

Category: [2nd Chances, or New MOC] 2nd chances

Beast Name: Blu-Ray

Topic: There is no topic, but here is the first time I posted it (in BBC 43).

Description: A a creature similar to a manta ray, but it lives in swamps. It looks harmless, but it posses a vampyric teste...it wants your blood... It sucks out blood from the two short silver 'fangs'.

Over and Out

Toa Zaxvo

EDIT: Typo

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