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Got This In The Mail Today



Still 8 days until graduation! Actually, I would have been graduated by now in 8 days....


Hmm, blog category "Lego" or "Boy Scouts"?


Got this in the mail today!

Usually, the new Eagle Scout/his troop only requests letters of commendation from the President and politicians. I, however, was different. Not only did I get a letter of commendation from my Bishop, but I was bold enough to send requests to GregF (the editor of LEGO Mag) and some Manga-ka. I heard that George Lucas and Steven Spielberg don't do this kind of thing anymore, but if I could have found addresses I would have sent requests to them and Michael Bay.


It's cool to be recognized by people/groups that mean so much to you. Thanks, GregF!


-CF :kakama:

(Go watch "Giant Lego Boulder")


Quote of the Day: "Mars is essentially in the same orbit. Mars is somewhat the same distance from the sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water. If there is water, that means there is oxygen. If oxygen, that means we can breathe." --Dan Quayle


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No... it's probably a real signature...


Nice job CF! I gotta say, that is pretty cool. Good job on your rank up/promotion, whatever you want to call it :P

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Hmm. I didn't actually rapidly publicize (is that the right word?) my rank like that because I didn't see the need; I got the rank for myself, not them. On the other hand, I never thought of sending anything to Lego. :P


That is really cool. And since you are more involved in Lego, maybe it'll work for you. Being an eagle always makes you stand out (unless you're at an eagle convention...)



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BTW, I just found a website with Michael Bay's address(es). Though its directed to Bay Films, Creative Artists Agency, and William Morris Agency. You need to be a member to see the full address and the site has forums...



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Y'know, you don't have to post in all my blog entries (I don't to yours), especially if you don't understand them and don't want to.



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Y'know, you don't have to post in all my blog entries (I don't to yours), especially if you don't understand them and don't want to.



That was me being jealous.



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Being an eagle always makes you stand out (unless you're at an eagle convention...)
Kind of like a needle in a haystack convention? :P


Congrats on the letter... I guess. I see some great quotable material there. ^_^


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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