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I'm Playing Guitar In Church This Morning



And it's Tuesday. o_O


Speaking of which, here's a five.

  • What did you do for Memorial Day yesterday?
  • What would be a good question to put here?
  • What's the weather like where you are?

    <-- Where's the bulletpoint on the left?

  • Do you play a musical instrument?
Oh my gosh, so I just got back from the church gig. First of all, they (some clergy session) ended up running like a half an hour late, meaning that my dad (the keyboard player) had to leave for work (meaning that it would be piano, drums, bass, and electric guitar only). Then the senior pastor comes in and is all like, "How many songs did you plan on doing? Two?" And we're like, "Umm... four...." So evidently we were preempted by the fact that they decided to go extra late. So then we're waiting to go in and somehow they had some sort of vote about having a worship service and gave us the option of leaving (and I live 30 miles away, so I'm like heck no) or waiting another 10/15 minutes to go up. So we finally end up going up, plugging in real quick (no sound check), playing, and leaving real quick. >.>


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1. Nothing. Only person I could remember that died has risen...

2. Thats a great question! :)

3. Going to be really warm, if you could call it hot. Sunny, and a chance of showers in the afternoon.

He left with 4.

5. The recorder? The instrument from heck?



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* What did you do for Memorial Day yesterday?

* What would be a good question to put here?

* What's the weather like where you are?

<-- Where's the bulletpoint on the left?

* Do you play a musical instrument?


I played some baseball and watched the hockey game... that's pretty much it.


Is it ! or ?


Warmish Cold with some rain thrown in.


The cheese must have eaten it.


Peeanoe and Geetare.

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1)I don't celebrate Memorial Day, I'm a Malaysian.


3)It's night, so it's warm and normal.

4)YOU KILLED IT WITH A KEYBOARD! Or you just abandon the pity bullet.

5)Formerly piano, now I'm lazy to play any instruments.

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1 - I went into the Tillamook forest with some friends and drove around in a jeep.


2 - I dunno.


3 - Cloudy with a 0.0000000000000000000001% chance of sun.


4 - It rode off into the sunset.


5 - Nope, I quit Piano lessons a few years ago because I had the option and had been forced into it by my mom.

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Hung an American flag up, went in the freezing cold pool and had a BBQ.Penguins?Good, I think (Scratch that, I hear thunder. <_<)-->no.nrscsig.png
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Tuesday five yey. ;3


1.) Chilled at home. ;D

2.) How about "Should everyone go Comment in Sunny's blog?" (It's okay, you can put it up next tuesday ;D)

3.) 44 degrees o.o GIVE THE WARM WEATHER BACK! D:<

4.) Hiding. in my mechanical pencil. ;D

5.) Piano, Penny Whistle, and in the Fall (Hopefully) Violin.



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1. Nothing.

2. wai is mai cee breaze

3. Cloudy, with a partial temperature of hajodads

4. I ate it. And now it is my food stuffs. Or is it.

5. I used to. Play the. Trumpet.

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The normal... school, IM, MOCing, movie, etc...
This one:
Hawaii kind. Always a bit too warm.
I played Piano for a couple years, but now, no.


Eh, that's lame.

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1) Barbecue and general chillin'.

2) Are you out of school yet? (Nope. >.<)

3) Sunny and Warm

4) On vacation

5) Electric Triangle

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i dunno lol


A bit cool


i dunno lol


I used to play the keyboard... I switched between trumpet, baritone, and trombone. Trombone's the only one I've played recently.

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