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Let Me Introduce Myself...



Greetings BZPower members! I am happy to present to you my first real blog entry. :) I am going to use this entry to introduce myself.


Well, to start off, my name is Joshua. I would give you my last name, but I have been advised not to do so. I am sure that you could figure it out if you really wanted to though. Anyway, I am 15 years old, and I shall be 16 in August (driving! yippes!). I am a rather tall (six feet and just under 3 inches) skinny boy that has a thick carpet of (short) brown hair.


As to my personality, I can be a real goof off, but I can also be quiet, attentive, and respectful; all depending on the situation. I tend to think more logically, and I hate to jump to quick conclusions. I love adventure and action, and you can often find me blowing the heads off of some imaginary foe down the hall. I tend to be a perfectionist (meaning that I have to have all of my ducks in a row). Often times, this can be impending and negative, and I hope to improve. I am also very organized. I have all of my LEGO pieces sorted out in plastic drawers. My room is really never a mess unless I am in the middle of a Bionicle building project. My closet is a little more disorganized, but that is probably because I can't see it. (I can't stand to see a mess). I also have the personality of a leader. Sometimes this is a good thing, and other times (ok, most times) it isn't. If I am not careful, I can be rather bossy to my sister, as well as others around me. I have this impulse to be in control, and I often times have to slap myself in the face mentally and tell my self to just let go. I am also a hard worker, and I try to be diligent (usually, I am). I generally do not mind physical work outside (providing that it isn't 87 degrees and 90% humidity), and I don't usually complain. I also enjoy learning, and thus, school. I must admit that I don't love school, but we must all remember that it is a blessing. Many children around the world can't (and would love to) read. I love helping others, and I think of myself as having a servant's attitude. I am (most times) ready to help my mother with the dishes at night or to help my dad in the yard.


I live in west Tennessee (between Nashville and Memphis, see if you can guess where) with my mom, dad, and sister. Sure, we bicker at times (my sister and I that is), but generally we get along really well. Oh, and she's 12. We live on a five acre plot of land out in the country. Lot's of trees. We also have a large pond in our front yard, which is about an acre large. We also have a small row boat that we take out occasionally and ride in on the water. Well, I say that we are in the country, but more and more houses are being built out our way. But there is a very large area of forest behind our property in which I go to explore very often in the fall and winter. Being in our location, we get high humidity, poison ivy (of which I am allergic), snakes (copperheads), and mosquitoes (I hate them. period. But for some reason then seem to love me...). We also have about 20 blueberry bushes in the backyard, from which my dad says that we shall likely harvest 80 gallons or so this year. We have also built about a dozen or so raised beds in the backyard. Beds to grow produce in that is. We have just about every kind of vegetable you could name. Not to mention a ridiculous number of tomato varieties (not that that's bad, I love tomatoes). Speaking of food, I am not a very picky eater, just to let you know.

Because we have such a large yard, It takes approximately three hours to mow. Yuck. Oh, and we have one dog and a cat. The dog is a chocolate labrador (my dad says that she is one notch above dead, she does just about nothing besides eat and sleep. She is getting old).


Let me give you a little history of how I got into Bionicle. Let's see... Back in early 2003 I had an interest to start getting the LEGO Magazine, I don't remember why though, I didn't even know that a Bionicle comic came with the magazine. Interestingly, I had, for some reason, always thought of the Bionicle sets as "bad", and I would always avoid that section of the LEGO catalogue. I was ten years old at the time. Anyway, my first Bionicle comic was #11, "Who Will Stop the Bohrok-Kal?". As you can imagine, I was pretty clueless about the story, seeing as I jumped in directly at the climax for the Nuva/Kal section of the story. I recall thinking to myself, "who are these guys with the weird heads?". After I talked with my parents about it, I checked up on the rest of the story, on the web and in the books. Soon I had figured out more of the story and my first Bionicle set was Tahu Nuva. I remember putting him on his surf board and making him surf all over the house... ah, good memories. ^_^ Anyway, Gali soon followed for easter, Onua came next, and then my collection exploded from there. I will let you know, that I have very few sets prior to '03.


So, that is how I got into Bionicle. How did I discover BZPower? Well, my dad and I were searching for an Ultimate Dume set back in '05 (we couldn't find him anywhere), and we found BZPower in Google. I now knew that the site existed, but it wouldn't be until two years later that I would actually join. Last year I had started looking around on BZPower and it looked really neat. I asked my dad, and he let me join. Since then, I have gotten into the swing of things pretty well, and I think that it is a great site.


I think that that is enough to start off with...




Recommended Comments

That's a lot of text.


And I actually read it.


You made only one typo, nice job.


Welcome to the world of blogs.


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We live on a five acer plot of land...


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Ah yes, I couldn't remember how to spell it. Arg. :wacko: I know that it's "acre" now.


Two typos

for and Ultimate Dume set

"an Ultimate"


Nice to see you blogging!


Good luck!




Man, you guys are so picky... :P But thanks any way, and yeah, I am enjoying it so far! :)


WoW! I like the blog. :)


Greg did say you won alot of LEGO contests. Good job!


I am glad that you do! :D And yeah, that was exiting that Greg said that. I need to back and find that quote...



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