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Fun New Games



Recently I had purchased a game called MASS EFFECT. It is rated M for good reasons and has been banned from Singapore for a certain scene in the game.


I like this game and I thought that it was a blast to play. I like the fact that you can practically do what you want and that it isn't completely scripted like other games out there. (Yes I like RPG games)


My favorite Race is the Quarians, then the Turians, and then the Asari. Those are my top three out of several other races which are there (including human).


Nihlus is a Turian Spectre (Special Tactica and Reconissance) and on the first mission on Eden Prime he gets shot in the back by a rouge Turian spectre named Saren. The point of the game is to bring down Saren before he finds the Conduit. The Conduit is a control panel which the reapers would use in order to get to the citadel and begin ending the reign of Organic life.


Saren is the main Bad guy and he is the biggest threat throughout the game and is trying to bring back the reapers which is a bad thing. He had allied himself with the Geth which are rouge AI units the the Quarians made to serve them, the Quarians plan failed as the AI Geth rebelled and kicked them off of their home world.


Commander Sheperd:


Commander sheperd is the main good guy through the game. You can make him/her look anyway you want him/her to be. You can pick whatever class you want and through the game you can level up and stuff.


There are several other characters that you meet through the game and you have to pick who dies at one point (either Kaiden or Ashley).


I would rate this game a 10/10 just because I find it a fun experience to play and even at the frustrating parts I never actually got irate or anything, which is a good thing.


I wonder how many people on BZP like MASS EFFECT...


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Seriously though. I wonder if this is Bioware's attempt at a revenge against Obsidian cuz the latter did KOTOR II...

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Eh, who knows? I kinda agree about the scene not revealing much, I've seen stuff like that in qite a good amount og PG-13 movies.


I mistakenly killed off Ashley which really annoyed me later...

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