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Mp3 Players....own.

Lady Kopaka


Oh my freaking gwrosh! My dads present finally came in the mail today, and guess what it is?


A MP3 PLAYER! Its so tiny, and very light. But its amazing that it can hold up to 1GB. ^^ So far I have a lot of songs, I am still learning how to do it, so I forgot the exact, but its a lot. Now I am going to see if I can put some of my stories(and my friends, that I been meaning to read) on it, so on the trip, I think I will be able to read it.


Its very awesome, and so thankfull that my dad got it, he's the best!


WELL, except when he got mad and figured out I wasted my birthday money on Guild Wars, I felt guilty, but I probably wont spend 50 bucks on a game again. (Stupidest thing I have ever done) Next time I will look around for a cheaper price before buying it. ><


My stomach still hurts, and I guess I will go scan my art. So farewell.


EDIT: Discovered I have 375 songs, and I am still missing some.


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You got one? Cool. What kind? I got an RCA Lyra, I just won it in a drawing for band. :D It held like, 1/4 of a gig, but I got a card so it holds 3/4. BTW, does it do Windows Media? If it does, don't use WMA. It's larger files than MP3 (file extension). You can get a lot more songs with MP3. (i.e. Real Player, etc.)


P.S. Have you heard of Earth Wind and Fire? You should download some onto that MP3 Player. I know you like Bluegrass, but I think you'd like this.


P. P. S. Sorry your stomach hurts. Try some Pepto Bismal. :P

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there was a girl in my homeschool group who was like ten years old and had around 16-18 year old sisters so she had to act all cool and whatever but my point is; whenever someone had something electronic with them she would ask is that an mp3 player? is that an mp3 player? ALL THE TIME! and one time when she finnaly got one i asked her if she could get any david bowie songs on there and she said "mabye, what band?" and i said "um... david bowie?" hoping you get better! ToBaL.

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375 songs in one day?! Jeez, kids these days like their hippity-hop music...


I want an MP3 player, but money's tight. Must be nice, though.


Hopes ya feel better soon.

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Woah, that's cool, whenever I buy one it's cheap, my last one was ten bucks and held 14 songs, I hate my mp3 players. And you shouldn't feel guilty for buying guild wars, what ele was there to buy. My parants kill me constantly for secretly perchasing lego sets, so they wouldn't exept a vidio game any more than trhat, though there might also be some effect caused by the fact that they are BOTH english teachers.



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Ooh... First Blog Post...

And On My Laptop...


Heh, And My Premier Membership Had To Cut Out In April. Just One More Month...


An MP3 Player? I've Got A One Gig Creative MuVo One.

Ahh, You Spent 50 Bucks On Guild Wars? I Spent About 100 On World Of Warcraft, And Just Recently, Another Twenty On Pre-Ordering The Expansion Set. So, You Spent Fifty, I Spent One Hundred. I Think You Went Better.


Ah, You've Gots A Scanner, Too. I'd Be Copying Art, But I've Got A Runny Nose, And Besides, I Got Myself A Laptop And Portable DVD Player. So, I'm Set.

Heh, Comment Time...



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