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A Day In The Life Of A Bionicle Webmaster



Planning for the second half of 2008 is going well, and I’ve got most of the stuff ready. In case you’re interested, here’s a day in the life of a BIONICLE webmaster…

  • The design has been created, four rounds of reviews later we have a winner. It’s a lot brighter than anything you’ve seen from BIONICLE.com in a long time.
  • The game is coming along just fine, as far as I know. I’ve only seen screenshots, but I have every confidence it’ll rock. It’s being done by the same company that did the Mahri and Phantoka games, among others, and will be a different type of game than we’ve done to date.
  • The first TV commercial is nearly done, and I’ll be using that CGI online. In fact, we have quite a bit of CGI that will be used on BIONICLE.com throughout the rest of ’08, some of it exclusive to the web site.
  • All the downloads, wallpapers, and so on (except song) have been finished. They look good. Screensavers are a little different than previously, I think they make more sense now.
  • Some Flash-based projects are being done externally, and I saw the preliminary of the home page one. It’s gonna be excellent.
  • Story content for the web site is being reviewed/revised/created by Greg.
  • B.I.O. code rewards have been decided on. I was initially toying with the idea of compiling a big ol’ image then cutting it into puzzle pieces; each BIO code would give you a piece. That would make you want to get as many BIO codes as possible to see the finished picture. But you would’ve had to print and cut out the pieces, or use image editing software… I don’t have resources available to make it a complete online experience. So I had to reluctantly pass on that idea. But maybe we can do that for ’09. Fortunately, I have some cool content that matches the characters, so you’ll get something nifty… I just have a couple of ones I have to track down.
  • Planning for 2009 is well under way. I will be working with LEGO for the rest of 2008, so I’ll have a pretty big hand in what happens for the first half of ’09 on BIONICLE.com. I’m really excited about the direction this is heading… the ’09 web site will totally blow away anything you’ve seen from LEGO before, I think.
  • Look for a revised BIONICLE.com / BIONICLE.co.uk / BIONICLE.de in July, and the rest in August/September.
  • Yes, BIONICLEstory will be updated, but not in a major way… mostly just additional Mistika content.
On a side note, I have to say I'm extremely lucky to be where I am right now... 2008 is going to be a big year for BIONICLE, and I'm right in the middle of presenting some very very cool stuff. Later this year, I plan on having a bigger article about my experiences here, and what it's been like to help influence a project that I've been watching from the outside for years.


"Love what you do, do what you love."




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I'm really excited about the new games, hopefully they'll be even better than the current ones.


And yay! More CGI. :P

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Great news! I am sure the

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Battle for power- reveal the secrets
campaign will work out great. :)

The design has been created, four rounds of reviews later we have a winner. It’s a lot brighter than anything you’ve seen from BIONICLE.com in a long time.

So you vote for the design? Interesting. :)

And it is very bright?! A long time...that could be the first, white Bionicle.com in 2006. But actually, I imagined the new website a bit more greenish, but not really brighter. :)


The game is coming along just fine, as far as I know. I’ve only seen screenshots, but I have every confidence it’ll rock. It’s being done by the same company that did the Mahri and Phantoka games, among others, and will be a different type of game than we’ve done to date.

So, it´s again by

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4t2 studios

I am really excited about the "different type of game". Will there be reward like the current game?


The first TV commercial is nearly done, and I’ll be using that CGI online. In fact, we have quite a bit of CGI that will be used on BIONICLE.com throughout the rest of ’08, some of it exclusive to the web site.

I am sure the CGI will rock as usual. I wonder what the exclusive CGI will be.


All the downloads, wallpapers, and so on (except song) have been finished. They look good. Screensavers are a little different than previously, I think they make more sense now.

Are the songs again by the creators of "Face me" and "Gravity Hurts"? And about when will the song be finished?


Some Flash-based projects are being done externally, and I saw the preliminary of the home page one. It’s gonna be excellent.

Too bad you cannot show us previews of that all... :(


Story content for the web site is being reviewed/revised/created by Greg.

Not much to say here... :)


B.I.O. code rewards have been decided on. I was initially toying with the idea of compiling a big ol’ image then cutting it into puzzle pieces; each BIO code would give you a piece. That would make you want to get as many BIO codes as possible to see the finished picture. But you would’ve had to print and cut out the pieces, or use image editing software… I don’t have resources available to make it a complete online experience. So I had to reluctantly pass on that idea. But maybe we can do that for ’09. Fortunately, I have some cool content that matches the characters, so you’ll get something nifty… I just have a couple of ones I have to track down.

What a pity, your idea with the puzzle was pretty good- I would have loved to see how it would have turned out.


Planning for 2009 is well under way. I will be working with LEGO for the rest of 2008, so I’ll have a pretty big hand in what happens for the first half of ’09 on BIONICLE.com. I’m really excited about the direction this is heading… the ’09 web site will totally blow away anything you’ve seen from LEGO before, I think.

I really can´t wait to see it. But I can image it a bit already.


Look for a revised BIONICLE.com / BIONICLE.co.uk / BIONICLE.de in July, and the rest in August/September.

Yes! This is what I wanted to hear! :happydance: Like you already announced, it will be released on 1st July. Will the German site be released that date as well, or a bit later?

And will you still do the Spanish and Portuguese sites?


Yes, BIONICLEstory will be updated, but not in a major way… mostly just additional Mistika content.

Just what I imagined, and I am really happy by that. I guess the games will be added, the front animation will change and of course the new chapter will be posted. But otherwise I am glad the site won´t be changed more than that, because I just LOVE the site the way it is now. :)


All in all, I can´t wait to see the new website, Binky!


~Gata. ;)

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Sounds great Bink! I am greatly looking forward to the rest of the year! One thing that I would like to ask though, is that you guys could make some wallpaper of the characters with a solid black background, just like back in '03. It's easier to cut out the character that way. But anyway, it all sounds good! :D


Any chance of a multiplayer game or even an MMORPG? :P




Now that would rock. A MMORPG for Bionicle... Yesss...



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"Look for a revised BIONICLE.com / BIONICLE.co.uk / BIONICLE.de in July, and the rest in August/September."


While you will make BIONICLE.com.pl find some better translators. The current Polish site is full of errors.

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That would make you want to get as many BIO codes as possible to see the finished picture.

Oh, you're evil....


Glad you're having fun at the job of a lifetime!



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Sounds like it'll be good.


Having said that, is there some sort of low-fi version of BIONICLE.com? It takes too long to load for me, and all the Flashiness sucks bandwidth at a rate even BZP can't match. :(


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i hope you don't mean it is cheerhappy bright but the pictures are bright.

-------Destro( who is starting to let chutespeak enter his vocabulary) :tohu:

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Hey, I'll be looking forward to that article. I'm sure you've got some insightful things to say. :)


I love the idea about the BIO Codes, and I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of thing in 2009. Perhaps they could be constructed such that they could be removed from the back to be put together... but that would totally invite people to steal them out of the stores. So a better solution is to create them as little cards to be inserted in the boxes/canisters. That would also promote more buying since people would have to open the set to get the code. Think that'd work?


And make the games easier. I have beaten all of them, but have never come close to winning the first prize with either Pohatu or Antroz. T_T

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