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Because I Promised It



Blog contest!


Your task-create a character for my CoT epic, Universe Y



1. You must enter to have a chance of winning, unless you do something for me. Basically, see rule number two.

2. Bribes are, as always, accepted.

3. Flame other entrants and then lose proto. The more lost, the higher your chances of winning.

4. Blackmailing your opponents is acceptable.

5. Blackmailing me will only get you disqualified.

6. Do not do anything original. The less original, the more likely you are to win.



The Real Rules-

1. Originality is a plus.

2. Do not flame other entrants or their entries. If you have a problem with an entry, then PM me with your concern(s). There's no need to make a big and public ordeal out of this.

3. The results of the judging are final. There's no changing them, and if you kick up a big fuss about someone else winning, you can say good-bye to the right to participate in future contests in here.

4. To enter, use this handy-dandy entry form. Do not leave any categories out or unfilled.


Entry Form-


BZP Username:

Character Name(Real Name and, if applicable, codename):






1st Prize: Winning entry becomes a regular character in Universe Y


2nd Prize: Entry gets a one-shot chapter in Universe Y


3rd Prize: Entry gets a cameo in a chapter of Universe Y


Recommended Comments

BZP Username: Pretty Pony Super Groomer

Character Name (Real Name and, if applicable, codename): Crunch Nerfsteak

Personality: Typical macho Messiah complex. Also pretty stupid, stays alive only thanks to his powers.

Description: Bright blue hair, sunglasses, toaster helmet, bright green-and-pink one-piece costume.

Power(s)/Equipment: Has a toaster-shaped helmet that generates a Somebody Else's Problem field around his body. By utilizing this field, simple problems such as not being able to fly, not being bullet-proof, and not being able to breathe underwater simply become Sombody Else's Problem. The toaster also toasts bread quite nicely.


And I only skimmed your epic, so if quasi-superheroes don't cut it, sorry.


And if you haven't read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy yet, do so.

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And I only skimmed your epic, so if quasi-superheroes don't cut it, sorry.


And if you haven't read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy yet, do so.

No, a quasi-hero is fine, definently.


And I have read the Hitchhiker's Guide. And I liked it. :P

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Entry Form-


BZP Username: Orichalcon

Character Name(Real Name and, if applicable, codename): Orichalcon

Personality: Magnanimous, powerful

Description: FRAGGIN HUGE. A black humanoid dragon with a white crest, and 4 wings.

Power(s)/Equipment: Heat vision, firin' lazers, and shooting fire out of hands due to MASSIVE body heat. And he has a sword. The sword isn't really necessary.



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BZP Username: Chaos Elementoid


Character Name(Real Name and, if applicable, codename): David Henderson - Morpher


Personality: Smart and clever, good at taking command (but doesn't prefer to). A master tactician. Good at keeping his cool.


Description: Around twenty-ish years old. Thin, slightly muscular. He's always changing his clothes due to them constantly being destroyed (either by expanding to elephant size and having them ripped apart, or when he's mimicking another person), but one thing about his outfit is constant: his navy trench coat, which is left open, and a fedora.


Power(s)/Equipment: Can morph into any other living being, including all animals, aliens, and other people. He's good at spying, since he can turn into small insects, or the very person he's spying on. In battle, he can turn into larger animals of power, which, paired with his human intelligence, makes him a force to be reckoned with.

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BZP Username: ~General Grievous~

Character Name: Bob

Personality: Bob is an illusive man. He rarely ever shows himself, except when spammers and random people appear. He is a man of justice, and would lay down his cat (He's immortal...hard to lay down you're life...) for the sake of doing something good.

Description: Well...Bob is a shape shifter. Sometimes he looks like a pizza guy with a hat pulled down over his eyes, sometimes like a garbage collecter, and sometimes like a robed, majestic being dressed in entirely black.

Powers: Everything.

Equipment: He can control everything...he dosen't need equipment.




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BZP Username: Disky


Character Name(Real Name and, if applicable, codename): Gem Sears, Silencer


Personality: She is often silent and is a good at spying, but that does not mean she is shy. When she does speak up, she has an attitude that gets people to shut up. She's about 15 years old. When people look at her face, or into her eyes, they can't detect any emotion.


Description: She has a short, boyish cut and long bangs. She wears a black jumpsuit with dark-green strips on the shoulders, chest, knees, hands, and feet. She wears a headband most of the time to prevent her bangs from betting in her face.


Power(s)/Equipment: She masters at spying and sneaking in and out of places. She can make a person not move or speak for a certain period of time, depending on her levels of energy. She uses a pair of light katanas, which she stores on her belt.

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BZP Username: Razsek

Character Name: Asher Sawyer

Personality: A typical boy on the verge of being a man his traits are a combination of both age groups' personalities. Most people either like him or hate him the moment they see him.

Description: Black hair, pale gray eyes and a runner's build. He wears comfy, loose clothes.

Power(s)/Equipment: He discovered his power over gravity one day as he was sitting in the shade of his apple tree. Without warning, apples started falling off trees. Perplexed, he stood up to investigate, only to have them float and come at him at 3mph. So he ran to the homeless shelter, and the apples followed him there, increasing in speed. As he ran past the homeless, they noticed him and the strange, floating apples. Their hunger overcoming their logic, their hands shot up and caught the wriggling fruit. A bite ended their struggle. And that was how he learned about his power. The next day, he jumped off a building.


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