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I Got Bionicle Legends #10. :)

Jedi Master J.


I found it today at my local Borders, after I got a well needed hair cut. Of course, I brought it along with my summer reading books that I'll be starting to read in a week or so. I finished Bionicle Legends #10 about a few hours after I got it. I also ran into a former substitute teacher from my school, who works their part time as his main job is at another school that he went to after my school.


Anyway, I am sure you all want me to comment on Bionicle Legends #10, so I will in these simple words: It was awesome. And clearly, it is one of Greg's best books in the series. If you been waiting to hear about the Toa Nuva's past, you will like this book. And quite a few mysteries are solved in this book.


The Swamp Makuta, I'll say this are very strange in my opinion. I won't comment how as that will be a spoil, but I find most of their behaviors strange for Makuta. They will make the situation with the Toa Nuva very interesting for sure, especially in this book.


The Toa Nuva's past is one of my favorite parts of the book and it had plenty of fun parts to it too. I can tell you that if your Toa Nuva fan like I am that you will probably enjoy these moments into the past. Of course, many of parts make you wish you could hear the whole story, but obvious this isn't no Toa Nuva history book and the books already are limit in pages and numbers of book release, thanks to the poor sales...


Buy this book, visitors. Don't just look for spoils online...Sorry about that, but I had to get a point across to people, who just used places like BS01 and Bzpower to get the story information rather than get the book themselves. They are serious killing the books sale price and I could just imagine in a few years, the books just vanishing because of it.


So, what are you waiting for? Go out and get the book for yourself, I am sure you will enjoy it. And don't ask me for spoils as I am not spoiling the book for anyone. I want to help improve these book sales, so I refused to spoil any books for anyone. That is all I have to say on the subject of the book. In other news, I am quiting on my RPG idea as what I learn from the book make what I have in mind, not very likely to happen.




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