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What Really Happened

The Fallen Amph


Ok. *Takes a Deep Breath*

This is what happened.


It was graduation day. I was going to apoligize after the ceremony. I sat through awards (I got the Citizenship Award, A/B Honor Roll, Perfect Attendence, the Presidential Academic Award (Which surprisingly Amanda got too [i always thought she was retarded...]) and my Diploma.

Long story short. After the ceremony, there was a small party in the Library. There so many chances. :annoyed: ... :annoyed2: . At one point I was just standing in the hall waiting for my dad to bring the car. She was so close so many times...


And I didn't do anything.



That's why I think I'm stupid.

That's why I hate myself.


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Clearly you are over-reacting. DO NOT hate yourself, and DO NOT think yourself stupid. Those are both not good things to do. I know how it feels when you want to say something and try to talk to, uh, somebody, and can't 'cause you are too scared. It's happened to me before... numerous times. But later I realize that, in the end, it really does not matter. Seriously. It's not a big deal. But I do have one piece of advice for you: Give the whole "note giving" thing a rest. It makes it more awkward. And also, just try to get to know her. Try to become her friend first. ;)


edit: I meant note. Sorry.

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Trust me. 7th grade will seem much clearer.


Just have a good summer. Hang out with friends, go to the movies, do stuff.


(maybe you'll see her there)



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Trust me. 7th grade will seem much clearer.


Just have a good summer. Hang out with friends, go to the movies, do stuff.


(maybe you'll see her there)




She lives in my friend's neighborhood and my other friend (whom I've known almost half my life) has her phone number (but from the last time I've heard, he wasn't alowed to give it to anyone). You never know.

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That's not too bad. At least you didn't make it worse.


I'm going to stick to my original advice: get to know her, lay low for a few months, and when you thinks she likes you, tell her your feelings.

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That's not too bad. At least you didn't make it worse.


I'm going to stick to my original advice: get to know her, lay low for a few months, and when you thinks she likes you, tell her your feelings.


How I to do that when I don't even know where she lives? It's already summer vacation...

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Guest kopakanuva13


It's best that you did nothing, trying to talk to her with her friends around might be like poking an angry bear with a stick; seems like it'll work, but you're really just irritating it (metaphorically, of course ;))

I suggest you see her some time when there's no possible way her friends will show up, and I guess you can "apologize" even though you didn't do anything...

At least that's what I'd do :blush:

:pirate: -Macku- :pirate:

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That's not too bad. At least you didn't make it worse.


I'm going to stick to my original advice: get to know her, lay low for a few months, and when you thinks she likes you, tell her your feelings.


How I to do that when I don't even know where she lives? It's already summer vacation...


Well, I wasn't suggesting you follow her to her house.......

I know you'll probably object, but wait til next year. I have liked you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-your-Amanda-entries (yay dashes!) since practically the beginning of the year. I told her, got rejected, became frineds again, naturally assumed I'd move on automatically, and was surprised to find I still like her.


For the fun of it, I feel like saying this again: you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-her-Amanda-entries.

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