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You Know What I Hate?

The Fallen Amph


I hate people who make judgements from the past.

I hate people who live just to make fun of them and make them look stupid.

I hate people who say ludicrous rumors about people.

I hate people who make judgements about people from thier looks.


That's why the first weeks of school are going to be horrible socially.


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I agree with them all except the first.


The past is what we need to learn from. And generally, a person's actions in the past can be a good indicator of how to judge them, unless sufficient time has passed, i.e., the difference in a persons actions from childhood to adulthood.


EDIT: Also, what said actions are also makes a difference in whether to judge or not.

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Does the first one mean "Well, if you recall, I was right about this other thing, so I'm right about this"?


I agree with all. I often whine about this in my blog.

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Does the first one mean "Well, if you recall, I was right about this other thing, so I'm right about this"?


I agree with all. I often whine about this in my blog.


No. I mean "Don't think I'm stupid just because of how I acted in the past. I've Matured."

That is what I mean.

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I agree on all of them, especially the first. So I made a mistake, so what? That doesn't give you the right to bring it up everytime I see you. You've made mistakes to, I just have the maturity to forget about it.


The first one was the cause of my grief for 5 years.



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I don't get a lot of social exposure, but when I do, I see a lot of the points you mentioned.

The main problem I guess is that so many people asume too much, and don't actually take the time to get to know a person. If they did, I'm sure that they would find scores of people that are great friends, that may have seemed "uncool" at first.


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Hate is such, such... a strong...








Indeed it is a very strong word. Much to strong to describe what you are describing, Amphilus. I'm serious.

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Man, I am so sorry. You are right about all this.


And I know this won't make you as happy as it made me, but you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-your-Amanda-entries likes me back!!! YAY!

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Man, I am so sorry. You are right about all this.


And I know this won't make you as happy as it made me, but you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-your-Amanda-entries likes me back!!! YAY!


...lucky... :(

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Man, I am so sorry. You are right about all this.


And I know this won't make you as happy as it made me, but you-don't-know-who-but-I've-mentioned-her-a-lot-in-your-Amanda-entries likes me back!!! YAY!


...lucky... :(


Lucky? Hardly. Yes, I know it's the most amazing thing ever, but hey, I've waited the whole year. And apparently she's been waiting a while too..

She's kinda shy though, and so I can't tell anyone. We're not technicalyy boyfriend/girlfriend (yet. :psychotwitch: )


Trust me, you just be friends for a couple months (I know it's a long time, but it works) and she'll come to see what a great guy you are. :wub:


EDIT 6/13: EEk! Friday the thirteenth! I aksed her to be my girlfriend. She didn't respond.

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