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So there's two days left of summer. Bummer. Really, it is.


Even though I never actually left town, I enjoyed it. I had plenty of time to just relax and let loose.


However, you can definitely expect my BZP activity to tremendously decrease. I'll probably only be online a fraction of what I've been on during the summer.


School will be starting at 7:45, as opposed to last year's 7:15. Which means I'll be waking up at about 5:30 or so, being the freak that I am. Most days I'll end up browsing BZP for a bit during that time. But other than that, I won't be able to get online (won't even be home until) around evening time. Basically every day after school I go straight to work. Literally. This year I might not even have time to go home and change. Hooray for lockers at work. And then when I get home... Still have dinner and homework to deal with.


Here are my eight scheduled classes for my sophomore year:

  • Algebra II
  • Integrated Math
  • Chemistry Honors
  • English II Honors
  • Spanish III Honors
  • Health Science
  • Medical Skills and Services
  • Web Design
I actually look Algebra II last year, and ended up with a C in the first quarter and a D in the second. I'm not all too pleased with that, and I'd like to do better before moving on. As an added bonus, if I get better grades, they'll replace the existing ones. That'll skyrocket my GPA, as those are the only grades holding me back.


So yeah. Just decreased activity. I'll still be active and be able to maintain my position. I'm not dying or anything. Especially since I need to (will) outlive the Empress. Hehe.




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Especially since I need to (will) outlive the Empress.


That's what you think. *grins menacingly*


But yeah, I feel even worse now. I'm a Junior in Algebra 2, and you said you took it last year?!


*bigger sigh*

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Wow. And I thought Middle School was gonna be tough. I won't know the meaning. Until a few weeks from now. Our school makes up for imaganary snow days for two weeks before the summer. So we get more at the end.



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Heh. I remember taking stuff like that back in the day. It's hilarious how complicated it seemed back then. But compared to what I've been trained to do now, it's small potatoes.


Except for the English courses. Them things never did me no good, anyway.

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Yeah, I probably would have been in honors, but we generally don't have enough kids who could make the cut for it to be worth the teacher's time. Even if we did have Honors classes, we don't have room in the building to facilitate them. But yeah, I'm a senior this year. My schedule is:

1st Period: English IV

2nd Period: American History (Had skipped it in favor of a computer course)

3rd Period: Environmental Science (Took Chemistry last year, so why not.)

4th Period: Fine Arts Survey (In opposition to my modern art ways)

5th Period: French (may have to double up on that)

6th Period: Out

7th Period: Out


I think I may trade in one of my out periods for a Web Design class also.


~GN (Y)


Edit: Yeah, Makaru. I mean how many times in your life are you going to spontaneously need to diagram sentences, anyway? Unless you get a job as a textbook writer, lol.

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Oi, I gotta get up at 5:30 in the AM as well, if my dad didn't hafta be at work so dang early, I could probably sleep an hour later than I do. Owell :shrugs:

For a sophomore, you sure do have some mighty challenging classes, I would be lucky to ever get into an honors class. Ever.

Where 'ya working at?

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