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33 Hours Of Just About Everything: The Camp



Alright, here we go- the first real blog entry chronicling my usually horrifyingly boring life, but here it's gonna go off with a bang. I don't get to go to Frank's place often, but when I do it's usually a ride on the awesometrain. However, this sleepover was different then the usual because of one critical factor: he had other friends over too. Which meant nothing was gonna go according to plan. And while many wild things happened during this sleepover, I will make it clear that it still sucked in quite a few ways. But I'll tackle this adventure, one event for one entry at a time.



What You'll Need to Know


Frank has been my best friend since middle/private school. He's a really nice guy and his parents own the very wealthy *PRIVATE* Farms- so you would not believe his place until you saw it with your own eyes. They have miles upon miles of land and vast fields, an awesomsauce pool, and the coolest bloody treehouse you will ever see. And up until recently Frank was a movie God- he had mountains upon mountains of DVDs and PS2 games alike. Oh, and they're dog people. As in, they have well over 13 dogs, big and small alike. Not to mention they've got an evil parrot that has been plotting to kill me for years now, along with a Boxing Turtle that might as well be a Snapping Turtle.




Part One: The Camp


Wow, less then 3 hours into the sleepover and I find myself swept up in a cross-country BMX bike/off-road mule trek to this place they simply called The Camp . Appearently it was this Christian campus of sorts back in the late 80's before it got destroyed in a massive fire. Now, it's a haunted place crawling with creepy stuff, at least that's what they say. Appearently they go there all the time and it's STILL creepy in the day.


And once I get there, I see they ain't lying. Dude, it was like a rural Ravenholm, minus all the shrieking Headcrab Zombies. The place was overgrown with grasses and all sorts of prickers, and there were desecrated buildings left and right. It was a genuinley creepy place to be, and it was just high noon! Anyways, we're weaving through massive clusters of prickers and poision ivy *Why does every camp, active and long dead alike always have to have that stuff?!* and huge fragments of burnt wood until we get to what I presumed to be some sort of recreational cabin- or what was left of it, at least. It was times like these I was glad we had shoes- it we had been walking around without them, chances are we would only have bloody husks for feet afterwards. Glass, nails, fiberglass, you name it.


This is where things start going from eerie to uncomfortabley creepy. We're walking in the crumbling remains of the upper floor, and there are burnt bibles everywhere, and I mean everywhere. There was one for about every 2 square feet. That was a little creepy as it was, but jeez...


We go into the girls bathroom, and an entire area of the wall is torn out- IN THE SHAPE OF AN UPSIDE DOWN CROSS. I am not lying, my skin is prickling all over again as I think about it. One of the guys said it was probably...Err, what did he call them, copper-tappers? Well, he said it was probably from guys who went around the buildings from time to time harvesting all the copper wiring from within the walls for various methods of profit. Sure, that would be believable- but there was no evidence of any more of these wire-tappers anywhere. I swear, it was times like these I wish I had a cell phone. I would have SOOO taken pictures of it. Trust me, it was unnerving and I'm not even religious.


But anyways, we're on our way out when Franks's slightly younger brother Jim *AKA Simba* says we should check out the dormitory. THAT was horrifying. The whole place was just long, long, long. It was like some sort of neverending narrow hall of burned building frames, shattered glass, and other things. Then we go into the basement, the heaven-foresaken basement. We're just slowly creeping down the stairs, hoping the increasingly cold temperatures is just a result of the pitch black basement and not something else. Jim starts telling us about how he and his friend were down here exploring once and how the whole time they were down there they could hear faint footsteps behind them and all sorts of near-unhearable clattering sounds. He takes to the spot- right in the middle of two seperate corridors, all dark as night.


So we're standing there, sharing our enthusiasm to get the snot out of there when one of the guys says maybe we should try to talk to it, whatever it is. Everyone gives him this look that screams "NOT IT" . So yeah, he gets the honor. He very shakily starts going on about how we don't want to hurt it and whatnot, and he finally asks if we could have a sign.




As if on que, we all take off screaming towards the stairs. So we're tripping ontop of eachother as we try to get away from that evil basement, Frank and Shean bolting down an alternate route while I fall over and get glass in my palm on the stairs above, but it doesn't stop me. We break out of that place still screaming like bats straight out of ###### *and believe me, that basement wasn't too far off from ######*. We all make for the dirt bikes... Except Simba, Gabe *I hate that kid* and myself. Why? Appearently Simba/Jim found a flashlight in the mule as we were about to take off, and we had to go back there to try and make contact again.


So yeah, we're back to where we were less then 5 minutes earlier, except 3 times as terrified. 20 minutes go by as we just stand there on the stairs, trying to talk to the ghost, all of us scared as heck. In the long run though, it was just our own imagination that scared us silly that time around. So we leave, half dissapointed we didn't almost get killed by some unknown entity throwing toilet bowls at us or something.



It was only 4 hours later that we learned the loud boom noises had come from Shean coming down an alternate route. I swear, we almost killed that kid after hearing that. But still, we all left that place confident that there had to be some sort of spirit wandering those campus grounds- be it some lonely boy who didn't make it out of the fire or some councellor that felt some sort of attatcment there and was too heartbroken to leave the place after it burned down. And we all agreed that upside down cross was about the most haunting thing any of us had seen.



Recommended Comments

Why why why why why does it seem like everyone has a ghost encounter but ME?!?!?!


*is insanely jealous*


Well, I did say it turned out the whole BOOM!BOOM! thing was one of the kids being stupid.


But that upsidedown cross thing was bizarre. Period.

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If I was there, I'd be freaking out. And at the part with the loud noises, I'd be screaming my lungs out. And I'd bet people would be hearing me a mile away... >>

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XD. I would've been running as fast as you. But I wouldn't have stopped with wanting to kill the kid who did it. No, I'd go straight to dipping his hand in warm water when he's asleep. But anyhow...


You totally should take some form of camera when you go next.

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