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I Do Like People



Well, maybe not.


What I said in my last entry about not wanting to hang out was half true, half me just not even trying.


I don't want to get to know everybody, because everybody is not worth getting to know.


But there are people who are worth getting to know, and you have to say hi to the bad apples just so a good one will say hi back.


But at orientation (before I even read xccj's post), I did meet some cool folks, and will be hanging out with them once college starts. (Speaking of college in general, xccj, I mentioned my major right there in my entry. Find it or suffer until I say it again.)


What am I trying to say? I don't like when people force me into interacting with people I don't know. It's silly to think everyone can get along. I'm not the most "normal" person (and I don't like saying there's a "normal" person), so I don't interact unless I know the other people I interact with aren't normal either, or, more likely, I don't care what people think of me.


But orientation was fun. I'll blog about how exciting it was next. And I did meet some new friends. Friday night, arriving a day early, I sort of had to look for people or just sit in my residence hall and read. So I found some kids and started with "You here early too, huh?" and then we stayed up until about 11:15 chatting. (About 6 of us, each different but we had fun. These people were "normal" IMO.)


Then on Monday I wore my awesome Fullmetal Alchemist shirt in the hopes that somebody would see it and say something. Which happened multiple times. One such person was in my crew (groups for orientation), and another noticed it and she ate dinner with us. So there's three otaku all together at one dinner table. Then another girl sat down with us, and I wouldn't call her "normal" but she was more "normal" than us. But she's cool too. Not too into anime, but she didn't reject us and still hung out for the rest of the night. (In the end the two girls decided to room together when school starts.) Us three otaku have until November to give her some Miyazaki and FMA and Gundam and anything else to prep her for when we grab her and drag her to Nekocon.


My point is I found a "non-normal" group to hang with, and I'll put on any face I need to to keep myself away from the kids that aren't my type, and make more friends that aren't "normal." (Once again, I use the term normal very, very loosely. You know what I mean.)


-CF :kakama:

Current song addiction: New Coldplay


Quote of the Day: from -Hafu-: "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows."


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I'm the exact same way, I'm not that sociable either.


I don't like when people force me into interacting with people I don't know. It's silly to think everyone can get along.

Actually, I just so happen to have experienced that first-hand today; strangers treating you like a long time friend. It's just plain creepy.

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I'm the exact same way, I'm not that sociable either.


I don't like when people force me into interacting with people I don't know. It's silly to think everyone can get along.

Actually, I just so happen to have experienced that first-hand today; strangers treating you like a long time friend. It's just plain creepy.

Introvertness FTW!


I keep thinking it'd be funny to go up to someone, say a random first name, give them a big hug, and say "I haven't see you since ---insert---!"



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Huh. Where I was, there were no "forced meetings." It was a bunch of people meeting new people they've never met before, so everybody was on the same page. We didn't know who was normal or not until you actually sat down an talked. I actually spoke with somebody during lunch, and we got into a deep conversation about the 7th Harry Potter book, which was kind of odd.


Sounds like you figured that out. I haven't seen a lot of people from orientation, really, just one. I really got to meet alot of new people when I took an Early Fall Start class (basically a short summer class a month before school really starts) and a Freshman Interest Group in Fall Quarter (which means you stay with the same group of people for all your classes.) I'm not the shinning example of socialness myself, but I did meet a good number of cool people too. (Have yet to find many Lego fanatics, though)


As for your major... it was in that quote, wasn't it. I totally skimmed over the quote, assuming it wasn't anything important. Oh well... but I know I'm not the only one who's done that before...



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I know exactly how you feel. I have to go to a summer class next week. (MY FIRST WEEK OF SUMMER VACATION!) I like the class except for one thing- the people. I don't like strangers. ><


I just realized how odd that is- here I am talking to a bunch of strangers, as are you. Maybe it has to do with the "You don't know who I am and neither do you" Effect.

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Huh. Where I was, there were no "forced meetings." It was a bunch of people meeting new people they've never met before, so everybody was on the same page. We didn't know who was normal or not until you actually sat down an talked. I actually spoke with somebody during lunch, and we got into a deep conversation about the 7th Harry Potter book, which was kind of odd.


Sounds like you figured that out. I haven't seen a lot of people from orientation, really, just one. I really got to meet alot of new people when I took an Early Fall Start class (basically a short summer class a month before school really starts) and a Freshman Interest Group in Fall Quarter (which means you stay with the same group of people for all your classes.) I'm not the shinning example of socialness myself, but I did meet a good number of cool people too. (Have yet to find many Lego fanatics, though)


As for your major... it was in that quote, wasn't it. I totally skimmed over the quote, assuming it wasn't anything important. Oh well... but I know I'm not the only one who's done that before...



It's funny to realize you've gotten into Harry Potter conversations. My Philmont crew talked about HP for almost a whole morning.


I'm in a "Freshmen Interest Group" as you call them. About 20 of us will not only share two classes, but we're in the same residence hall (one step up from dorms) and will apparently try to do study sessions together.


Major=Journalism. (Well, english with journalism concentration.)


(You said, "Have yet to find many Lego fanatics, though." Does this mean that you've found some, or were you expecting to find many at once?


I know exactly how you feel. I have to go to a summer class next week. (MY FIRST WEEK OF SUMMER VACATION!) I like the class except for one thing- the people. I don't like strangers. ><


I just realized how odd that is- here I am talking to a bunch of strangers, as are you. Maybe it has to do with the "You don't know who I am and neither do you" Effect.

It's definitely the "We don't know each other effect."



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