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Maglya's Lament

Master Reidak


This entry is dedicated to my new epic, Maglya's Lament.

It is only my second ever epic, the first one being Tales of Tehra Nui (which isn't actually finished yet, link in my sig).


Anyway, here's some information on the Toa Zaiya I can share with you. Some of it will be described in the story in the next chapter, but you can read it here first.


Toa Zaiya:

A team of Toa. Name means "Attacking Toa". Former Matoran of Mata Nui. They were made into Toa by the Great Spirit Mata Nui himself as his second personal Toa Team after he was awoken (the Toa Nuva being his first). Their destiny is currently unknown, but judging by their name, it can be assumed that they are destined to end the Dark Hunters, or any other evil organisation. Prior to recent events, they served as defenders of the Matoran of Mata Nui, as the Toa Nuva were made into Turaga.


The Toa Zaiya consisted of:


Tamaru: A playful and clumsy Matoran. Now a Toa, he retains his previous traits. Uses a glaive for combat purposes. Currently alive.


Hafu: Incredibly skilled carver. Disappeared after being deceived with a false mission. Was reported to have been eaten alive by Shadow Leeches after falling into a nest of them. Currently presumed dead.


Kotu: Possessing a sharp mind and quick wit, Kotu was a difficult opponent to predict in battle. She sometimes used a Kikanalo that she had befriended as a Matoran as a steed. However, both she and her steed were defeated in combat by a group of enemies after being ambushed while going for a stroll. Her body was found competely stripped of armour. Currently dead.


Taipu: A playful but hard-working Toa. Got on extremely well with Tamaru. Was killed by a Dark Hunter named Avenger after being lured to a cave to seek out a powerful artifact. Currently dead.


Maglya: As a Matoran, Maglya spent his time surfing the lava waves. He is confident and laid back. Wields a dual-ended spear and a shield (which is actually in the shape of a lavaboard, and can even be used as one). Currently alive.


Talvi: Former Sanctum Guard of Ko-Koro, along with Pakastaa. He was confronted by an assassin of sorts after investigating Taipu's death. Had serious injuries inflicted upon him, but managed to escape. Currently being cared for by the Matoran. Currently inactive.


Also, in chapter two, the murder that this story is based around will take place. Despite the deaths of three Toa already, the victim is someone different.


Posts appreciated. Here's the review topic.




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