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Super Crazy Busy

That Green Gentleman


I've been REALLY busy lately, and it all has stop for two weeks, so now I have time to blog.


So, after I got back from Yosemite, I had a day off, and then I had a scouting camp out, were we went up Friday night, camped, and the next day we met up with all the girls (Ages 12-17) and hiked for about 2 miles to University Falls, natural rock water slides, really fun stuff. So we hung around at the slides for a while, then hiked back, and lightning started, so when we got back to the cars, ate a quick snack, and left, got home 2 hours later. When I got home I had an hour to get ready for a dance to go to. Hour is long enough you say? Well, it wasn't. Rule is we have to wear dress clothes because its a church dance. Well, I get home, need to take a shower, and I get out thinking my dress clothes are clean, well they aren't, so I have to throw those in the wash real quick, put 'em on, get my mom to drive me there, and then I realize, "Hey, where is my tie?" and my mom is like, "Oh, it got put in the wash", so we had to go to Wal*Mart, grab me a tie. So whats really cool about this, is I'm only 5 minutes late. Well, I get in, look around for people, and dance a few times, and then I had made a bet before the dance that I had to dance with this girl who we're supposedly worst enemies (Its a joke) so we dance, and the problem with this, is shes the girl I like. Well, not really a problem it was just weird. So after that's over my friend has only danced with like 2 girls, and my cousin has a friend and shes asking people she knows to dance with her. So I finally convince him to ask her, he does, and my other friend see's them dancing after the song is over, he goes over and he's like "The songs over" and my friend got so mad at him, it was a really dumb thing to do. So I dance etc, get home at 11, and go to bed, go to church the next day, and after that's over, get to meet up with my dad for the week. So we drive out to Santa Rosa, camp out for the first night, go fishing, get ready to go and drive to this hotel that he won a few free nights for. stay there till Thursday, where we swim and all that good stuff, we also went to see Kung Fu Panda, which was good. So we leave Thursday morning, and drive all the way back home, say goodbyes and all that stuff, he leaves, and so here we are.


And that acting group I auditioned for, tomorrow is when I find out if I made it in, so wish me luck!


If you read all that Congratulations.

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