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Summer Sets



I recently got a catalogue from Lego... one of those smaller, special edition ones, with all the new sets and stuff. I must say, this next line of toys are lookin' cool.


So why don't I share my thoughts with you on some of them.


First of all, Agents. The various vehicles they have look cool and all, but they aren't necessarily revolutionary. What I'm interested in is the new minfigures, like the guy with spider legs or the dude with the chainsaw arm. That is something that is new, cool, and much needed. :)


I also see that they have a new "Hard to Find" Indiana Jones set (based off the forth movie). It has a plane, some maintenance vehicles, a jeep, and lots of characters. I find it amusing that the set is based off a short, background scene from the movie where they relocate. That made me laugh.


Then there's that new Death Star playset. Man, why didn't they come out with this earlier? When they were making huge, detailed sets of that thing, they should've instead come up with this, with a whole bunch of rooms from the movies that are mini-fig scale. If I were ten years younger... I would be drooling of that set. Heck, if I also had alot of pieces, I might've even built something like that on my own. Very cool, Lego.


And then there are the Mistika. Blah, blah, seen them already. Now that I have a non-computer image, the vehicles don't look too bad, especially Jetrax in yellow. I hope to pick up those canisters... I have some money... but they aren't in stores yet and probably won't go on sale until I'm all the way back in school. Bummer.


Also, let it be known that I will be purchasing none of these sets (besides a few Mistika) I am merely commenting on Lego's really cool designs this summer.




Recommended Comments

Are you not purchasing the System sets due to money issues or lack of interest?



I envy the people who don't have financial restrictions.



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Are you not purchasing the System sets due to money issues or lack of interest?



I envy the people who don't have financial restrictions.



Oh, I've got plenty of financial restrictions. Otherwise I'd go out and get tons of sets.



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