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A Few Spoilers And Teasers Of The Next Few Chapters Of The Quest For The Time Gates.

.:Toa Rasor:.


Ok, all readers of the my epic, The Quest for The Time Gates, I am currently writing about the longest chapters in the story. So here I will answer questions and other stuff you have to comment on. If you have not read this epic, you should be on your way, but hurry, time is ticking.


Teaser one, Chapter 13.


This teaser goes to back to the escape on Daxia with the 3 Toa Nuva, Takanuva, Onua, And Gali.


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Night had fallen and Takanuva and the other 2 Toa were ready. Takanuva was also using his shadow power to cloak himself so the Mata-Nuians could not see him. But Takanuva wasn't going to cloak his friends because if they were found Takanuva would do the honors and kill them. They would have to get past at least 80 guards, Daxia was heavily armed.


Takanuva sighed and then said to his friends "Well this is it, we need to escape now..."


The other Toa didn't respond instead they followed Takanuva through the tunnels. Takanuva saw the exit was sealed and moved back at least 30 paces and fired a heavy shadow bolt. He knew exactly where their weapons were being held so he ordered Onua to use his kanohi and break down the storage room door. With ease, Onua took it down. Takanuva had to bend himself over to the size of a matoran to get through the doorway because he was so tall. He picked up his Midak and his Power Lance from the wall and ran out with the other Toa.


Gali saw a Guard at least about 200 bios away. She was one of the best of the snipers in all the Toa and she fired a nyrah bolt at the guard. The guard started to make a weird choking sound and flew off the watchtower. Takanuva used a light ray and blinded the other guard who started talking to himself wondering who had blinded him or why he couldn't see. Takanuva chuckled at the guard and then had a plan. They could escape alot easier using the sewer, but it had been locked down with some of the worst Rahi. They would probably kill the Toa if they disturbed them. But they could get alot quicker through the city. Gali complained and thought it be better if they just use the roads of the city. Onua didn't care, as long as he could get out alive. Gali was forced to go the way Takanuva suggested and Onua using his power of earth this time moving some of the ground away from the tunnel. But soon a voice made the Toa jump.


"Where do you think your going, rebels?" said the voice. It was a stalwart defender of Mata-Nui, a high ranking in their army. Takanuva used his lance and fired a strong bolt of light at the Stalwart Defender. It hit him dead on and killed the Guard, Takanuva was now wondering how Tahu Nuva had fought the guards. Then another voice came this time it was the voice of someone who seemed familiar. It was Toa Krakua, Toa of Sonics.


"You Toa want to escape right? I helped your friend Tahu the other night." he said. Takanuva nodded.


"Well," Krakua said "you need to follow me, I know a shortcut." Takanuva followed him until Gali hit him hard with her free fist.


"You cool dude! He's fooling us! He has the mask of telepathy, the Suletu!" she whispered in an angered tone. She was right, he was leading them into a trap. Takanuva blasted a bolt of shadow at the Toa knocking him off his feet, next Krakua said.


"Takanuva, Rebel, I challenge you to a single combat, one on one, you win, I'll teleport you to Gara-Nui, you lose, I'll put you in prison with your friends, forever."


Teaser end.


If you have any corrections or anything else, comment like I said. If you havn't read the actual epic but just this teaser, you should probably read all the rest of my epic by clicking my banner.. Hope you enjoy!




Recommended Comments

Looks really good Barricade! Nicely done on the blog.

Thanks for telling other people about it, Also I'll be changing my name asap... Just call me my normal name now, Rasor lol. Yeah, The blog I managed to fix.


I'll also be making a teaser of a scene in the next one so, keep your eyes pealed...



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