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It's 11:30 In The Morning...



... and I'm ready for bed. >.<


It all started last night when I was up until like 1:00 in the morning working on my mom's website/being stupid. And I was supposed to be at work at 10:00 today.


Or was I?


I get there at the store owner comes out of a music lesson he was teaching upstairs and I call up, "Howdy, Jeff." And he's all like, "Um lol what are you doing here you're not supposed to be here until 12:00."




Well, normally I would call my parents (who dropped me off) to pick me up, but they were long gone to the farmers' market. So Jeff drove me home. That's cool, though, he did it once before--we're good friends and I only live a mile away.


So I get home (by myself--parents still out) and I realize I left my lunch at the store. Jeff has driven off. I give it five minutes and call him, and he doesn't answer. So I have to walk all the way back down to the store, pick up my lunch, and walk back in the 94 degree heat. Blech.


But I'm back, listening to my tunes, relaxin', about to eat lunch, blah blah blah. Just goes to prove my point....



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That reminds me of my day...


'Cept I don't have a job, I don't know anyone named Jeff, and I don't like a mile away from a music lesson store place (if I did I'd spend all my time there)...


I did stay up 'til 2, though. She's a killer...


I equally edit to state the following:


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You give music lessons? What instrument? I give em' too, althoguh it's trumpet lessons.


Great blog ^^ I'm adding them to meh' favorites!



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