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Camp Stories



So, many of you may know that I went to Camp last week, which is why there are no blog posts through like all of last week. =) Anyways, there are a few funny stories I feel I should tell, just for laughs and whatever. ;P


My Friend & I were walking back to the cabin at night time, after a service, and we were talking about nicknames. When I explained my younger brothers call me "Chester" (Long story) I explained the origin of the nickname, and then told how my 2nd younger brother calls me Chester, and then the youngest brother makes fun of it by calling me "Chest Hair". (No, incase you were wondering, I don't have any.) Anyways, when I said "Chest hair", these two girls turn around and say, "You shave your Chest hair???" I was like, "Um...no, no I don't have any..." and she responds, "Oh, I shave mine." I know. Creeeeeeepppppyyyy.. xD


All my cabin mates loved my younger brother (X_Drey) Who they asked me if he was my boyfriend, when I responded with, "No, he's my brother" They wouldn't quit talking about how "hot" he was. I had a few girls (not in my cabin) come up to me asking if X_Drey was my brother and like stuff he liked etc. no, I didn't answer after the first question. I don't believe in Camp Boyfriends/Girlfriends. ;P


The Days at camp were so long, they seriously should've invented a fourth meal. We would get up at 5:30-6:00, clean the cabin, get dressed shower etc. And go to bed around 1:00am, and sometimes you don't always fall asleep right away (Caffeine etc.) Did you know I stayed awake last night until 5:43, I didn't check the time after that, but it was because I drank so much coffee throughout the day. Yes, I am tired.


We got to have Taco Bell. ;D Only one night, but it was sooooo gooooood....


The Water Slides are amazing.


My Best friend works in the office there with her dad, so I got to pop in and hang out there. ;D


nothing else, really.




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