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There are two parts to this story and I'm not sure with which to begin.


Some time ago my family had a family friend (and not just a friend of our family; their family were friends with ours) that we saw...I don't know how often. I only remember once a year at a particular event. Once they came up to our house with their cousin, Steven. I remember him as a kid who was used to rural life rather than where we were in the city (though a small one).


Just this year, I realize he actually lives in the area (whether he did then or not remains a mystery). I find my parents mentioning the last name often and he was on the Jr. High Track team this year. He ran with the cross-country kids last night. After the run, which he surprisingly lead on the way back (I don't know if I was running slower because my running buddy wasn't there or if Steven really runs that fast), I was surprised to learn he was cousin to my girlfriend.


I think she's just turning my understanding of life upside down, and she doesn't even know it. When we first met (five months from the coming Sunday), I wasn't too worried that my parents knew exactly who she was. Everybody knows everybody in a small town. I even thought I'd seen her before this year, or at least I'd heard the last name and the first one, because I knew who she was and I don't think one of my friends had mentioned her to me before.


It was even alright when I found out that her older friends had been family friends of my family in the last five years (when the homeschool group had been large enough to actually meet together sometimes...). It made me think "Why hadn't I met this girl before? We practically know the same group of people." She's taken a friendly liking to someone who I consider my older sister and I didn't know. The only people who are my age and attend my church (I swear everyone goes to hers. ;.; ) are her best friend and both are in her grade.


But now someone I've known for seven years is her cousin. I'm not sure of the original family friends are or not, it depends on whether Steven is related to the two families via the same parent or not. That'd be freaky if she was, though.


So that's the recent chapter of "Most Exciting (actually boring) Reason Life Makes No Sense".


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Well, it could be worse.

She could reveal that your entire town is full of genetic clones of you, and they all have a preprogrammed mind to destroy you, and you would have to defeat all the clones single handedly, and save the town.

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