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Hi there, bud!


Seeing that you needed some Worker Bees, I mailed you 4. Did you get them?



Rock on,



P.S. Is our PM chat over yet, or not? Just curious.

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Yup, I got em! And no, It's not over, I'm just trying to find something to talk about.


Say, you heard of Bur-O-Crat?



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I like leet, but I isn't allowed for some odd reason...


Say, lets play 'The Game'.


EDIT: My mean brother (AnakinFan) wants to be on, and I have 5 minutes left. <_<



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I like leet, but I isn't allowed for some odd reason...


Say, lets play 'The Game'.





How 'bout we talk in emoticons?


Let me start:





Rock on,


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I need 15 more red lego bricks and 1 more worker bee (I made some pollenated) to be able to hake a beehive.



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1 worker Bee and clicks on your tree module, comin' up!!!


BTW, subscribe to LEGO magazine so you can be friends with Max. Or if you can't, enter the following ClubCode:


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «



Then he'll mail you the blueprint of the LEGO magazine module. Build it and you can be friends with him. Then you can trade 5 red bricks for a blueprint of a module that creates Red Bricks!!!



Rock on,



P.S. What do you think of my SoundTrack module? I'm not asking for clicks, just want to know your opinion.

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The song is pretty neat. I entered the coed, but I need three more red bricks. Why, O why did I waste them all on Apple Pie?



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The song is pretty neat. I entered the coed, but I need three more red bricks. Why, O why did I waste them all on Apple Pie?



3 more bricks, eh?


Clickin', oh clickin', oh clickin'....


Sorry :P



Rock on,


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Yeah, too bad you can't trade red LEGO bricks... :P I got a mason jar and worker bee blueprint though. The idea of building worker bees is kind of scary though when you think about it...


Just got the badge. Have to wait until tommorow to trade, though (my brother demands clicks!).



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