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Finally, as of today, after a year and 4/5 months of waiting, I've finally moved back into my old - now new - home.


Even though I walked my rounds around the place over and over, I still am trying to get my bearings down straight. The house doesn't feel smaller, even though it is the result of the old house being halved. Adding a pseudo third storey made this place seem a lot bigger!


During the house-moving, I managed to get permission to sleep over in this gargantuan house between the two moving days (Yes, it took my family 2 days to move everything over.) because my mother pulled a stunt and removed the internet at our temporary residence.


It was not the funny.


So I surfed about the Internet till 2am before realizing that I was in a big house, on my own, in the dark.


That's cool.


And today was the final Moving Day, which saw everyone up on his or her toes, getting the right furniture into the right place, and all that sorta stuff. It took the whole day, but now everything's about done. The number of boxes are overwhelming, but not impossible to unpack one at a time.


So, I'm kaput. I'm going to bed now and see if I can actually get to school without any triple eyelids.






Recommended Comments

Congratulations on the move, <dd>! So you are finally settling into your real home. It must feel great to have the move behind you.


It'd be interesting to see what constitutes a "gargantuan house" in Singapore. My parents' home in Vancouver, Canada is nothing special over there (although it does tower over the neighbours'), but over here in Finland it'd be an unheard-of monstrosity, the talk of the town.


Alas, my current domicile is a scant 24 m². Hardly enough for both me and my Lego.


Your "NO INTERNET!" image is hilarious. You'll want to watch the acronyms, though. This is a kids' site, after all. Just saying. *shrugs*


Edit: Tracking and favouriting Rantings of the Haven. Henceforth and forthwith and all that.



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