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In The Past Week

That Green Gentleman


So, I haven't posted an entry for about a week, so here you go.


So I'm still working on the Staff Of Ra, its coming along nicely, now I just need to paint it, then I'll get more pics.


The 4th past by in the original way, pancake breakfast, parade, fair, then dinner with some family, then the big fireworks show, so nothing special.


Then then Saturday me and the other guys had to clean up the church after the pancake breakfast, so we cleaned, had some donuts and left. I go home and wait a few hours, then head over to the church again to meet some friends, and we go to the movies and see Crystal Skull, which I'll review later. We watch the movie, but one of the guys ditches us to go see hancock, so we go to Little Ceasers and pick up some pizzas, head back to my place, hang out, eat, play Wii, all that good stuff, So we wanna make up more excuses for everybody to hang out for the rest of the day, so my friend calls her mom, and asks if we can come over and swim, so she says yes and we go hang out and stuff, so finally everybody leaves and its just me, so I gotta call my mom to come get me.


Sunday is always boring.


And Monday we had to clean the garage out because we have tons of junk out there, and blah blah blah, so we're back to the present.


To all those who own/played Guitar Hero: Areosmith, is it good, it looks good, but I just want votes.


And *sigh*, I'm gonna get called gay and all that junk, but, my friend told me to, said it was good, so I read twilight. Yeah. So, if you wanna get on my case for sorta liking it, go ahead. but it was actually okay. Edward is still a dumb fictional guy and girls should stop being so obsessed over him.


And also, Rock Band should stop copying Guitar Hero, okay, so Guitar Hero is copying Rock Band with the drums and vocals, but Rock Band stole the basic idea from Guitar Hero. Come on? Rock Band 2? Dumb, Guitar Hero World Tour had the idea of custom songs, the bass slap pad, and the drum sensitivity. Plus the Rock Band strumming bar is really badly built. But I'll just end it here.


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Twilight's a book.


Anyone who calls you 'gay' over a book should meet me, in which I'll cuss them out in a fashionable and entertaining way.



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One of my friends (a boy) read it, and now you, so I think I may read it. But then a lady friend said it's a girl book so I might not enjoy it.

But I am intrigued because all my lady friends are crazy over the series.




PS, don't post overly long entries about your life over an extended period of time. Best to keep to one subject, or have one sentence briefs on various topics.

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