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Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head...



So we're leaving the robotics lab and we open the front door and suddenly we realize...


It's raining freakin' cats and dogs. And "other small furry animals" as I believe someone else put it.


Since I learned my lesson the last time I got caught in the rain, I had an umbrella on me. So my top half didn't get wet, but my bottom half did, basically. It was raining that hard. Like, there's this huge stone overhang over the entrance to Wean Hall where the robotics lab is, huge ol' shelter I mean, like extends twenty feet from the building. And we're standing under it, and I open up my umbrella, but then I remembered if we took the route through the inside of the building we'd have to spend less time running through the rain so I go to close my umbrella and it's already slick with water. And I didn't even step into the downpour. Or go past ten feet from the door.


Well I tried to share the umbrella with the other guy in my robotics group who didn't have one but you know it's not a particularly big umbrella... so...


And wearing sandals didn't help much. Though sneakers probably wouldn't have been better. Galoshes might have done the job but... who brings that with them during the summer? Heck, I don't think I even own a pair, you're never far from shelter back in Jersey. So anyway, the hilly terrain made the sidewalks a veritable river system, and by the time I get back to my dorm my feet are disgusting and slimy. Wet rubber is not pleasant to be walking in.


Though on that note...




Always loved that one. Simple, but somehow it makes me chuckle every time.


I swear, there can't have been more than two days in the past week and a half that it hasn't rained. WHAT IS UP WITH YOU, PITTSBURGH!?




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I was gonna post a Calvin and Hobbes comic, but apparently MAJ deleted the folder I had it in.


So be prepared for that comic's deletion if MAJ ever finds it.

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