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Entry 4



Today was a very long day. I went to band at 12:00am, and helped out with the little beggining musicians. They only really learned how to hold their istruments, which i helped out the Trumpets and showed them to hold it correctly. It's really common sence in my opinion, but then again I would be a hippacrite since I believe I held it wrong then too.


Then at 1:30 Concert Band began where we played a new piece called Patton which was a very nice March, that included some tricky 6:8 counting. then we played the usuall, Songs from Chicago, Tiajuana Brass, Gypsydance, and Spongebob theme. Then I went home and asked my mom, if my friend (Kotahn) could come over. She said yes, and we pretty much discussed about the majhost.com crissis, and other topics. Then watched Pixar shorts on Google Video. He left and we were deciding on what to eat.


I was disappointed at first when my mom utterd the word "El Pollo Loco". Blech. Then I had three Crispy Chicken tacos. They were Delicious! and I didn't even finish the third one I was so stuffed.


Then I went on the computer and worked on a filler for my comic. Then I had to read, and went to bed. ( at 12:00 pm.)



Pretty long day if I do say so myself.





Recommended Comments

Wait... you really know Kotahn? In real life? :o


Whoa. B)


That does explain a lot, especially as to how you two co-operate on the comic front.

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