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Two Days Without Bzp



Ah, well as we all know BZP was down for two days, for the first things I could do, as for the second, a storm swept by and hindered my ability to go places.


Well on the first day earlier within the day itself I decided to go to the neighborhood pool and swim in the area which I am staying until I caan get settled in the new home.


It was an interesting time there, and I met a girl there who voluntarily gave me her phone number, and during this time we have become rather good friends.


So I finished that and came home. I went to see iff BZP was working, it wasn't and so I decided to try drawing things and reading until a baseball game was going on and I decided to go there with a few friends. Well at the time it seemed like a good idea, but now I feel a bit embarrassed by winning a T-Shirt from a "Who can do the best air guitar?"


During the game (12-0) Tulsa stole a bunch of bases including home which surprised me, and on both teams the batter accidentally let the bat go flying. One went into the crowd and a lucky man got it, the other went into the outfield.


After that interestng game I came home checked to see if BZP was working, it was not and fell asleep. Then came the next day of stormy weather. Augh that was horrible, it continued to today as well as I watched a tree get hit by lightning just outside the fence around the house I'm staying at. Another hit the mailbox in the front yard setting the fire alarm off and scaring me. BZP was back up though and I have something to do.


I updated my Epic Angels Among Us which a critic reviewed and only found one thing wrong which was incredibly minor. Now I type this and I sent my form for the SSCC and I hope I get approved by them. *crosses fingers*


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Jeez, your life's more interesting than mine is. Trees never fall on my mailbox! Hah, and there's no public pool. Do girls usually have to be threatened in order to give you their phone numbers? :P


I need a blog. :)

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Loong story, well I'll tell you the short version. Wrack, or wahtever she calls herself now a days, turned me into a loli in TFDO when I mentioned that I had avoided it because I posted a comment in her CoT entry (hilarious story BTW), ever since I had this avvie and banner to display that I am loli and was insisted to type in pink.



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