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Crazy Week



Due to BZP's recent downtime, I basically wrote blog entries for those days, so instead of posting them all individually, I thought i'd just post them now.





Entry 6



July, 9th 2008



Today was sort of, well interesting.



I woke up and took, a shower, then I geld my hair, and when I went to put my contacts in they started to burn my eyes real bad ( Note to self: put contacts in FIRST, then gel hair.)

Went to band as usual, and I helped out some beggining Trupet player on how to play the right note. ( they learned concert A today.) Then at 1:30 pm the Concert band started and we did some sight reading and went through the usual pieces.

Then went to the Library to return some books, and went home. I worked on some comics and sprite work. Then we went out to a pizza restruant and ate. when i got home, I continuously checked BZP to see if it was back. Ofocurse, it was not. So I started to continure readiong the book we need to have finished for Honers English Honnors 10. It's Kite Runner, I recommend it to any incomming Sophomore because it is really good, but very depressing and alittle dark, but really good. After reading it i got sorta depressed, then drank some water.


Well tired now, so see ya in the morning!






Entry 7


July 10th, 2008


Wow another day where BZP is down this is kind of getting ridiculous considering I've been pretty bored over the summer. Oh well I'm sure the admins are doing everything in their power to fix it. moving on.


Well today i woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock, and then took a shower, check my computer again, and ate lunch, then I went to band and helped with the begginers. I feel really bad for one of the Trumpet player beceasue everytime i have to keep helping him with it, he does everthing right, but just gets to hard on himself when he doenst get it right the first time, which he needs to understan NO ONE gets it right the first time. ( Trust me I know. ) Then we had concert band ad went through the usual, and sight read two interesting pieces. One was a Suite so it had four songs in one song, and we also played some swing(ish) jazz song which we never finished becasue it was time to go.


When now i'm back home and being forced against my will to read for the rest of the day, blech I hate reading but it is such a good book. Alright have more tommorow, hopefully BZP will be up.


To the books! Away!




Entry 8



July 11, 2008



Wow, I wake up hoping BZP will be up again, but ofcourse not. Oh well I hope it will be up soon im getting alittle depressed not being able to go one.


Anyway, my day.


Got up, showered, the works. Then mom drove me to band. Helped the begginers, and the same kid was having trouble with his Trumpet, now i really don't think Trumpet is his instrument, he just can't buzz, and he's way too hard on themselfs. They learned they're first song though "Hot Cross Buns," music to my ears, haha. After that I waited for Concert Band to start and played some crosswords on my DS. Then it began and we sight read this piece, that wasn't hard, but my lips decieded they were going to have bad tone today, I basically sounded like a dead elephant today, oh well it happens, even to the best of us. ( I'm a Trumpet player i can be concieded, haha! ) anyway after I went to the Libray with my Girlfriend, and she checked out some books ( not much of a reader myself, but shes a bookworm. ^^) then she stayed for dinner at my house and we played Janga, then my mom took her home and I found out that her parents invited me hiking, i'm pretty happy I havn't gone since I was like 7. Well i'm off to read my book and then hike at 7:15am, hope BZP is up when im back.


Tah, Tah!






Recommended Comments

Kite Runner, eh? I've read that - of my own accord. I got it for my 15th birthday. It's good, but... graphic. :fear:


You'll get my approval as soon as I de-Mudkippify it. ;)

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I never knew you were an incoming sophomore. Man, I'm learning a lot today.

Kite Runner? Haven't the slightest idea who she is. Or what book is called like thAT.



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Hopefully, that kid will think of somethings of his more interest.

But have self-control with him.

*I sound like a psychiatrist*




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