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Updates And Stuffs



Just some tidbits of things that've been going on...


I lost the contest. 6th out of 6. Oh well, at least I qualified for the polls.


But I have also only had 1 reviewer. I need more. I require more. I CRAVE MORE! I want to see how good of a mystery it is, and I can't tell if nobody actually responds to it. (And worst, they didn't release the list of judges, so I can't pester them for a review. :P )


As for my two other epics (Slizers on Mata-Nui and Many Adventures) I have ideas for how to continue them, but I haven't had the time and/or inspiration to continue them. I actually have a severe writers block with Slizers.


I have a MOC of one of the characters from my mystery epic, as well as Powerpoint Vector art of the others. I should get around to posting those eventually.


As for house chores, I have bark dust to spread, a big hole to dig (why must it be uphill?) and a retaining wall to finish. And my friend that was helping me dropped out for another job (less pay but also less physical work, go figure) On the bright side, I'm getting in shape again. On the downside, with the sun as it is, I'll probably have skin cancer by September.


I have some ambitious writing projects that I'm working on, but none of them are BZP related. Sorry to my non existent audience. :P


I want the Mistika to come out so I can get some MOCing parts from Tahu. I hope to catch them at a Fred Meyers "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" sale, which they have all the time.


I also want the Lego Indiana Jones video game, but I'm not dishing out $30 for the PC version when I don't have a fixed income. May have to use that as a birthday present in the fall.


I discovered a cool thing in MLN. The module was supposed to give me 2 Hit Singles for 10 clicks, but instead it gives me 10 hit singles. As it is, I'm not complaining.


When BZP was down, I was refreshing the page constantly, from every hour to every ten minutes, depending on how bored I was.


Feels good to blog again, I must say.


Recommended Comments

What's MLN?


And I want Tahu period. I'm not sure if he really is going to be that great...but it's Tahu. Therefore I must get him. :D I wish someone would post a Tahu review...

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