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Flashing Before My Eyes

Papa Vinc


I saw the made-for-tv movie, Flight 93. Incredibly powerful movie.


I know things are sensationalized in the media, but that movie made me realize how precious life can be and in turn be thrown away so easily. Whenever something critical happens or occurs around me, I get these chills around my body. The whole time the movie was playing, I had those chills.


The impact of the families that were affected. The energy needed to cause that sort of destruction. The strength gathered to fight back. Maybe for the first time, I see how giant 9/11 was. When car accidents or other fatal things occur, you don't know it's happening. In a hijacking...you know what's coming, you know that you may die and just to act naturally in a situation like that is amazing. It's worse for the families. Someone they care about, someone they love, is in great danger and they can't do anything about it but grieve and hope for the best and mourn their hearts out. I just don't know what to say.


I just don't know if I could survive a situation like that...I mean I'm pretty sure I can handle myself in a one-on-one situation when it's fair, but a bomb, terrorists, a plane, frightened passengers that project their own fears onto you. I only know that if that if a person that I care about was stuck in a situation like that, for every second of passing time I would wish that I was in their place instead. If wishes would come true, I would just wish nothing were happening.


Life is fragile and precious. Remember that. Live it to it's fullest. Tell people that you care about them because you may never know when it'll be the lasts time you tell them you do.




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i understand what your saying.i would try to save my beloved ones too.i wish people who saw things like that on the news and didnt do it yet they do see it and still are doing it.

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