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Oh Noze!1! D=











Umm, just so you'll know, I have to use the world's most bizarre computer mouse ever. It is so unwieldy that I am nearly convinced it is the spawn of Satan.


Allow me to describe it. It has:


>It is a "trackball" variant of the mouse, in which, the ball is placed in the center, and operated by the index, middle, and ring fingers.


> It's... whatever-the-things-you-use-to-click-with-are, are on the sides, behind the ball, to be operated by the thumb, and "pinky"


>It lacks a scroll function, and instead, has two buttons next to the larger ones, which allows someone to go backwards, or forwards on a page.


>It has a dark metallic grey, and "new grey" colorscheme, and it's trackball is red.


>It resembles a grotesque face, somewhat vaguely, if viewed from a certain angle.


>It is made by the same company that made the one it's replacing.




So yeah, it sucks. It's better than nothing, I guess, but it's still hard to accommodate to. My last one was a trackball variant, but it had the ball on the side, and was used regularly in all other respects. That, and it required similar eye-thumb coordination to what you would use on a gamepad...


Beggars can't be choosers, though, I guess....







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Dang Gak, I'm sure glad I dont' have your mouse, but I know the type you're reffering to, cause they have, or had them, at the kid's computer section at my library.

I hate those things, so I guess it makes it harder to draw on the computer then?

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Dang Gak, I'm sure glad I dont' have your mouse, but I know the type you're reffering to, cause they have, or had them, at the kid's computer section at my library.

I hate those things, so I guess it makes it harder to draw on the computer then?


Well, I was actually rather fluent with using my old one. It was far easier for me to use for drawing and FPS programs than normal mouses, and the one I have now. That was really only due to my getting used to it due to using it for most of my life, though.


You copied me, didn't you... :sly:


I hate spawns. DX




Yes, I remembered to post an entry about it after reading your "evil vacuum" entry.






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