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Wip Picture!



I sent Shadow Leech and Ferrius the WIP picture, but I think I'll still post it here. I don't want to wait for them to come online.





I could really use some feedback. Mostly on the color layering, please. Also, I do realize that it's very similar to the original. I completely changed the legs, modified the torso a little, changed the colors around, and added to the shoulders.




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Very nice. It's still a WiP? It looks complete to me.






Well, seeing as it isn't 100% complete, it's still a WIP. Plus, I still need two more versions of him.



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Tires=no no



Short of that, it's nice. I can't see much on the color layering, the black is kind of overpowering, but it doesn't look bad.


Thanks. All the tires? I'll get rid of the loincloth.


Maybe I'll try to add more bley.



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Umm. . . another one?


Anyways, He needs a lot more gray, and a lot less black. Get rid of the black pieces descending from his crotch. And the fingers on the Onua claws don't look that good.




Yes, another Onua.


I'll get rid of the loincloth. I'll also try to add more gray, but it's hard with black armor. I don't get why people don't like the fourth finger....



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Hah, I will crush you. Or your popularity will crush me. I think it's the second one. :P


Well, you kept his colour scheme, which is a plus. Layering is also good, but make the lower legs bley. I assume you'll add another finger to the left hand. I don't mind the tires, but it looks like everything else you make, which is kinda boring. But that's Onua for ya.


Oh, and kill the sash.


Haha. I hope so, but I doubt I'll win by too much, if I win at all.


I'll try to see what bley I can use on the lowers. I will. I just didn't want to dig around for one yet. Hmm... well, most of my MOCs tend to fit my style....



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It only needs a little bit more gray. Otherwise, the loincloth does look weird, but the fingers are cool. Why is it still a WIP? It's only missing a thumb.






I'll try to splotch in some more gray. I'll remove it. Yes! I want to change some stuff based on feedback.


Onua FTW.



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Kill the lower legs and do them from scratch. Make them longer, and make them better.


As others said, the loincloth, though one of my favourite designs, isn't befitting of this MOC, nor does it work for a Toa who spends most of his time underground.


As for the hands, I say ditch the Onua claws, and replace them with the Exo-force robot arms with the pneumatic T-bars. But then add some Viking horns to make clawed hands. Three fingers suit Onua well, and this way they're still clawed, and there's still a thumb.


Kill the waist tire, the serations kill the flow you've established with the smooth tires on the rest of the MOC. Really, that's one of the biggest problems with the legs- too cluttered and serrated, busy looking. The Metru design styles don't fit the smoother designs the Olda enjoyed, and the rest of the MOC employs.


Spend a lot more time on this. You've got the start of something awesome. But don't let it be just a start.


I can do longer legs.


I see. That does make sense.


As much as I would do that, I can't. I need to save them for Onua Nuva. I intend to have all of them built at once, if I can.


Ok. I'll work on that. Maybe I'll try to use the other leg design I was contemplating.


Thanks a lot!



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Very cool.


Personally I like the legs and the waist tyre, although I would remove the dangly bit. I agree with CzaR - needz moar trans-green.


Keep the claws. They're a staple of Onua. Building Onua without his claws is like making a gunmetal and Keetorange Toa and calling it the Toa version of Hewkii.


Oh, wait...


As much as I like it, I see what DV means. I already got rid of the dangly part. I'm working on that, too.


I plan to. Haha.



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Things I would do-


-Remove the loincloth


-Add more grey or change some black into grey


-Change the legs, maybe make them longer


-Remove the thumbs, they look strange IMO



Alas, this is your Moc, so you should do what you want with it.


So far, it looks good. :)








-Already done.

-I'll see what I can do. Most of it will be on the legs.

-Will do.

-I dunno. I like the thumbs. His claws actually look weird without them IMO.


True, but constructive criticism should make it better.




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I'm entering also, hopefully I'll be some stiff competition.


And about the thumbs, they look awkward because they're unproprtionatt. If you look at your hand, you'll know what I mean.



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looks like onua

great hand design

good color scheme

torso design is almost perfect

mata feet!!

color layering





feet could use some more bulk

heart light should be a circle



for the most part its an awesome WIP!

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