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Vanilla Lime

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


I guess now (headache-insomnia) is as good a time as any for an update.



I can't help but shake this sense of dread, or of something bad about to happen. I'm not a pessimist per se. It's like I know that something dreadful is waiting around the corner, like when I knew the NL was going to lose the All Star game last night because Dan Uggla is an AL spy Brad Lidge can't help but go Brad Lidge I was rooting for the NL.


Anyway, on with the update: the state board is reviewing my application to take the PE exam right now. I should hear something in two weeks. I have a hotel booked for BrickFair, but I haven't had time to go plane ticket hunting. Amanda & I are growing closer together, and I'm enjoying it immensely.


I'm still left wondering, though, why the emotional/psychological malaise. I could go to the gym, work up a sweat and tire myself out to get to sleep, but inside I know that's not going to solve anything.


I swear I'm not a pessimist, and I'm not trying to feed myself negative energy or what not. (While I do motivate myself with that often enough, this is a different brand.)



I'm going to go take some Excedrin and hope the acetaminophen out-does the caffeine and catch a 6-hour nap.


Maybe that's what I need: a full day off of not being needed to be anywhere. Too bad I don't have that luxury at the moment.





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Emotional malaise is worrisome, I know. Unfortunately, I don't know a remedy for that one.


Things will work out the way they work out. It's what we do when that happens that will matter.


And yay for hotel room bookings! I'm super pumped for Brickfair!

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Try meditating. Works for me every time. :)



Hey, if your body or your intuition has you convinced something bad's going to happen, then maybe the best thing is just to pray it all works out in the end. Just be prepared. Don't let whatever it is get you down before it even happens! And hey, maybe it'll turn out to be a false alarm after all. Try to enjoy yourself, KIE. Lots of people would like to be going where you're going but can't make it. At every moment, as long as you're alive, consider yourself a lucky man.



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Work it out! >=D


Seriously, though, I have discovered the past few days of making sure I work out before I go to work (rather than in the evening) that it gives me that added boost of energy I need to get through the day. It's nice. =D

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