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You Know Krika...



After studying a pic of Krika for a rather long time, I've come to the conclusion that it isn't as wonderful as I originally thought.


"Oh no!" I hear you all cry (well, I don't really, but I wanted to add something for dramatic effect). "But Krika is fantabulous etc!"


Well, something was nagging me for ages about him, and I finally figured it out: his entire torso looks solid, whereas his head and limbs have the wonderful, translucent veiny texture. I am of the opinion that Krika would look far better if:


1. All white pieces used the wonderful, translucent veiny texture. All. Including sockets. Whilst this might not necessarily be practical, I think it'd look awesome.

2. Black could probably stay. I don't know what else to replace it with. :shrugs:


And now for the other news.

  • Video problems are sorted out, yay! :D
  • Being an adult doesn't suddenly stop you from acting like a child. :mellow:
  • I've found out that my right arm is more muscular than my left; I think this is a result of hauling newspapers around every morning for ages and favouring my right arm. Especially as I'm left handed. :blink:


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Yeah, you're probably right about Krika.


Funny, my right arm is more muscular because I broke my left one. :P



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Well, it woudn't hurt if Krika had more white on him in the first place... I'm thinking a white Makuta torso with everything else the same. You think it'd look good? :shrugs:

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Well, it woudn't hurt if Krika had more white on him in the first place... I'm thinking a white Makuta torso with everything else the same. You think it'd look good? :shrugs:



Yeah, probably. I think he definately needs some awesome veiny texture on his chest; it looks like blood running through his translucent skin. Eww. That's so...creepily awesome.



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Meh. I find the veiny texture pretty gimmicky anyway. I guess they had to do something to make a white set look clearly evil, but it still strikes me as "meh".


The solid torso really doesn't bother me. Might when I have the set, but I have my doubts.

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Sure, they could have. But they didn't.


Also, natural conditioning. Most people have one strong arm and one weak arm, it's simply the result of favoring one over the other.


You're actually hard pressed to find someone with even strength in both their arms (me).

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Sure, they could have. But they didn't.


Also, natural conditioning. Most people have one strong arm and one weak arm, it's simply the result of favoring one over the other.


You're actually hard pressed to find someone with even strength in both their arms (me).

Yeah, but I'm left handed. :blink:

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Yeah well I'm right-handed and left-footed. I just beat you in weirdness...But that's probably not a good thing.


I also think that Krika reminds me too much of a Vahki in it's four legged mode and a Rahkshi polymerized.



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I also think that Krika reminds me too much of a Vahki in it's four legged mode and a Rahkshi polymerized.



??? There are only so many ways to remix the Bionicle canister set bag. The resemblance to a Vahki is trivially slight and not a flaw in any way. I fail to see how Krika resembles a Rahkshi, unless you mean the effect on the white pieces. But even so, Kurahk had pearl white, while Krika has translucent. Very different.


I do agree, Seranikai, that the rest of the white would definitely look better if it matched the spiny bits.



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I also think that Krika reminds me too much of a Vahki in it's four legged mode and a Rahkshi polymerized.



??? There are only so many ways to remix the Bionicle canister set bag. The resemblance to a Vahki is trivially slight and not a flaw in any way. I fail to see how Krika resembles a Rahkshi, unless you mean the effect on the white pieces. But even so, Kurahk had pearl white, while Krika has translucent. Very different.


I do agree, Seranikai, that the rest of the white would definitely look better if it matched the spiny bits.



The shape of the face is sort of Rahkshi-like. Of course, I think that's a good thing. ;)

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The shape of the face is sort of Rahkshi-like. Of course, I think that's a good thing.


That's what I meant, and a Rahkshi body is thin and Krika is skeletal so yeah.


BTW, you're just as weird as me if you think that's a good thing LOL.



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The shape of the face is sort of Rahkshi-like. Of course, I think that's a good thing.


That's what I meant, and a Rahkshi body is thin and Krika is skeletal so yeah.


BTW, you're just as weird as me if you think that's a good thing LOL.



And he has that spine, too.


Could you turn the pages, please?

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