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To Those That Watched Batman



First off, like Wall-E, you're all going to say it was the greatest movie ever.


It probably won't be.


The only reason your head contemplated this was because of the amazing amount of good advertising. And the death of Heath Ledger? His last performance must be amazing (as if he knew it would be the last time).


So, please refrain from giving it a 10 out of 10 stars on IMDb like they did on Wall-E. I have seen Wall-E, it was good, but not number 22 on best movie in history.


I'll see The Dark Knight soon enough. But I know movies. For it to be number 3 on the IMDb list is quite annoying ON OPENING WEEKEND.




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I don't think you should judge it before you see it. Who knows? Maybe TDK is one of the best.

I'd just rather see a good review aside "It exceeded my expectations" which basically means 90 percent of the time, the person will write a good review about it. High expectation movie reviews are usually incorrect. I thought Spiderman 3 was the best movie out of the three... for five days after the release.



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A simple five words to sum up my opinions on this conversation and the blog post; Indeed, I agree with AA.

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You haven't seen it if you think people are saying Heath Ledger's performance is so great because it's his last one. You really have to see him become the Joker for yourself.


And it didn't really exceed any of my expectations. It met them all. And I was pretty hyped for this movie.


And yes I do think it is one of the best movies ever. The way Nolan subtlely tells you the Joker's character is simply amazing to me. Once you watch the whole movie you'll realize just how awesome of writers Nolan and his brother are. The ending was fantastic.



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Don't mention that site. >_>

And I do think Wall E deserves that spot. :P

I didn't think much of the first Batman, good and all, but so... gloomy. ;_;
So I dunno if I'll be seeing this one in theaters.

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Don't mention that site. >_>


And I do think Wall E deserves that spot. :P


I didn't think much of the first Batman, good and all, but so... gloomy. ;_;

So I dunno if I'll be seeing this one in theaters.



If Begins was gloomy, TDK is can't see your hand in front of your face.


The definitive Batman movie, I think.

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I really really loved The Dark Knight.

And I'm not a huge Batman fan, so luckily I don't fall into the category of thinking of Ledger's last film or the advertising.

Now, Hboy, I was definitely looking forward to that, and I didn't come out thinking it was the best thing ever.


Anyway, it rocked, and I totally recommend it to anyone that can handle PG-13 movies. This one is dark and maniacal.



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If it had been rated R, it would've been so much better and Ledger would've been able to fully portray the psychosis that plagues the Joker.

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