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Who Would Join?

Grey Snow


My next RPG, Kex just has to get back to me, or Toaraga, whoever gets it first. Kex has replied already, but needed an answer on something else first, but here:


Plot: You are a part of an elite police unit in the year 2010. The story is set in a new California city. As a member of this unit of presumably seven(depends on number of members I get), you will have to take a set amount of tools, weapons, equipment, etc. and go out to stop situations like hostages and roberies.

During missions each member of the team will be given a set amount of tools which include weapons, ammo, bombs, handcuffs, and more along with a map or maps of the facilitiy or area. You will have a set amount of objectives sometimes, like in a hostage situation, some may have to keep the area clear of civilians while one or two get set up to snipe the criminal.

You will have to do everything within police guidelines. Doing things like unprovoked killing will result in either jail time, thrown off the force, etc.

When you get the call, "Code: SCORPIO", you are allowed to use any force necessary to take out your target, other than killing innocents or causing mass property damage.



*All standard BZP rules apply

*No god-modding

*One character only

*Detail must be used because of the limited equipment

*You must play this out as a real situation, like taking into account the factors of the building, what the enemy may do in the various situations, etc.

*It will not be scheduled, so players are free to make calls on what the target(s) do, like kill hostages, etc., but it must be approved by me or any co-leaders I get depending on what it is exactly, like as above, killing a hostage

*Proper grammer is needed, no short posts due to factors like no detail

*All standard RPG rules I may have missed apply.


Character form:






Anything else: (married, children, etc.)



Sound good?


Recommended Comments

Sounds interesting, but I dunno if I'd join. E's got an RPG in the works that I'm joining, and I'm already in three others. We'll see.

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I think this form actually has more than usual, like specialty (like sniping, tactics...) and more. I'll wait until the RPG is up before accepting anything.

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