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The Last Day Of School



Yeah, I know, it's rather late. Well over a month late.


Too bad. :P


Well, the last day of school at my garbage dump of a middle school was hilarious.


The night before, I froze this stupid book that caused an annoying joke, since the english teacher wasn't specific, so I showed it to the kid, and he started laughing, when the teacher came, I was all like "oh crud" and hid it, then another dude found it and showed it to her and was all like 'OMGOMG HEYHEYHEY LOOK AT THIS OMG FEEL IT, OMG ITS FROZEN LOLZ"


Then she scolded me, saying she was going to talk to me about it later. She never did. Epic Failure.


I don't remember many details, but I do remember yearbook singing and whatnot, and kids throwing water balloons at teachers. Incredibly epic. At the end of the day, some kids started to try to reenact the "What Time is It?" scene from HSM2. They failed.

They let us play music and talk most of the day, one class was playing Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade.


I had a tape recorder with some songs on it, and I Rick Rolled some people during break. =D


Then we had to present our weird projects were we have to interpert hidden meanings in a song.


Guess what I did.


I Rick Rolled everybody in my English Class. Including the stupid teachers. Me and a friend planned it. He wanted me to use Chocolate Rain, but I decided it'd be cooler to Rick Roll them. =D


So, the day ended, I yelled something at my principal, then the PE teacher heard it, and she got all freaked out and told me I wasn't going to participate in the graduation ceremony, even though I wasn't going to in the first place.


I hid behind a green wall until a few friends of mine showed up.


We all ended up walking together, and the group gre larger. I ended up being the only guy there. I also ended up being a gum distributor. >_<


So, in this area there's plenty of cool hangout places to go. So, guess where they chose to go.


No, seriously, guess.









Yes. I was sitting there for half an hour before I decided to leave. They had candy canes for sale (o_0), and two of the girls would periodically go over to a Wallgreens, but whenever I'd egt up to go meet them over there, they'd show up again.



I eventually left because I wanted some cola, and it was way too boring.



So, that's pretty much it.


The High School I'm going to is right near a Burger King... =D








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The High School I'm going to is right near a Burger King... =D

Don't waste your life on that greasy food....



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McDonalds' Burgers are blehh.


Their fries are good, however.


I get enough exercise, so weight isn't an issue.






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