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A blog post proper is coming soon (I swear!), but until then, enjoy the migraine that this image gives you:


"Trippy" is the only word that can appropriately describe it.


It isn't moving -- the image is totally static. Apparently, all that disorder is caused by a slight curve in the rows of squares. I guess the human brain has a hard time interpreting something as subtle as that.


Ain't optical illusions grand?


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I love optic illusions... they make me feel dizzy :wacko:


That's a very good one you have there :).


EDIT: And when you look at it carefully, those rows of squares are in fact not curved. Methinks it's the white and red things in between the different colored squares that causes the effect. They are not the same but slightly different in shape, and in no specific pattern.

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And when you look at it carefully, those rows of squares are in fact not curved. Methinks it's the white and red things in between the different colored squares that causes the effect. They are not the same but slightly different in shape, and in no specific pattern.

You seem to be at least half right. The pink and white shapes in between the squares appear to be causing the illusion. However, the shapes are, in fact, identical to each other in shape, as you will note in this picture:


IPB Image


Notice how the shapes' pixels are stretched toward the left side of the picture? I would guess this is responsible for the illusion.


Additionally, you may note that the colors of the small, irregular shapes actually do have a pattern. A full horizontal, left-to-right sequence in the pattern consists of white, pink, white, white, pink, white, pink, pink.


This pattern can be seen here:


IPB Image


As we move up each row, the pattern shifts one space to the left. Interestingly, a similar pattern also applies to the vertical arrangment as well.


Honestly, I don't know if these things are relevent to how the illusion works, but I personally would put my money on the irregular shape of the little pink and white things. They seem to cause the squares to visibly shift over, making the image appear wavy.


Or it could be magic.

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All that moving around must've hurt my eyes so much that I didn't notice all those things :P.


And yes, the irregular shape sounds the most logical reason. But the color pattern does have a big effect. Compare this recolored version to the original one.


And if you want to have even more fun (and headache) with it, try doing the recoloring by yourself. Use Paint, the magnifier glass tool and the paint bucket tool. When doing the recoloring, the colors of the squares act... well, in a way they shouldn't.


Or maybe my eyes have problems...

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