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The Heat....oh The Heat!

Lady Kopaka


It. Is. SO. BLOODY. HOT. *Faints* I thought we escaped the heat wave...We're wrong. The humidity is so awful, and its nearly a 100 last time I checked....Well, that’s what you get for living in a place similar to Aus. :P


Well, this morning my family (Save for my dad) went to the Home School Kick Off. To those who are thinking. 'OMG, you get kicked off?!' It just means the Home School group is kicking off (And families) on school projects, classes, and things like that.


Most of my friends were there, so that = VERY HYPER. We got a bunch of name tags and wrote different things on them, and stuck them all over us. :lol: Then we got some face paint and put a 'Black Spot' on all of our hands.

We are not normal girls.


So mom signed me up for Speech, a Drama class and I am doing art. So let’s just hope that won’t be too busy.


Yeah right. XD


Besides that, my braces randomly decided to hurt my mouth and it’s pretty hot. I need to get some more water.


Oh yeah, I fixed up me blog. ^^ I still need to do one more thing, but I'll do that later.


Random news:

I get to go see pirates III at midnight and dress up! :happydance:


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HOW do you get to do this again? XD (Pirates, I mean)


Well cool. I actually know who's i the fan club. It's kind of ironic, you know, that the "fan club" has neither me or Beliwa in it... XD I mean, we're like some of you r bestest friends....


I guess because besides Zieg, it's like mostly noobs. :lol:

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I get to go see pirates III at midnight and dress up! :happydance:

A little early, aren't we? :lol: Of course, I'd expect nothing less with the avatar and the title of this entry ...


Sounds like fun, aside from the heat. :D And the braces. Braces are (a necessary) evil.

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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


Pirates III? :mellow:

Luckily the part of Aus where I come from only gets like that for one day a year. :lol: Yeah, you guys up north have had a pretty terrible time this summer, from what I've heard, what with the heat waves and stuff. Bet you're looking forward to the cooler change, eh?

Ah yes, braces. My poor sis has those at the moment, and I bet she's tired of those. She's still got another 15 months on those. Luckily for me, I don't need them. :evilgrin:

Yeah, not exactly normal...


IPB Image

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Braces are evil. Don't believe anything else you here. It's the orthadontist's way of taking over the world.


But also, heat wave? I'm not afraid of heat anymore. Not after marching 8 hours for five days in 100-120 degree weather. >.> Okay, so it was 117. >.>


I hate heat waves. I feel sorry for you, Lady Kopaka.

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I'm supposed to get braces. Anything I should watch out for while wearing them? And yes the heat is unbearable... especially when you have a huge and hilly back yard and front yard and the grass grows twice as tall each day and your dad is always telling you to mow it. The pain of it all...

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I'm supposed to get braces. Anything I should watch out for while wearing them? And yes the heat is unbearable... especially when you have a huge and hilly back yard and front yard and the grass grows twice as tall each day and your dad is always telling you to mow it. The pain of it all...

Pretty much watch out for everything. :P Braces are the Devil reincarnated into metal brackets and wires. Oh, I'm sorry, did I scare you? :P It'll feel SO much better when you get them off, though.


If I have the money, I might go buy a Davy Jones thing I saw at the mall once that had the hands, hat and tentacle beard/octopus head and go see Pirates III dressed like him.

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Would you believe that, at nearly 27 years of age (well, 26 & 11 months this Friday), I have never worn braces?

Be they of the orthodontic or orthopedic variety, they've never graced my person.


I had a retainer that partially corrected an underbite, but that was back in elementary school, over 15 years ago. Other than that, my teeth (including the third molars a.k.a. "wisdom teeth") all came out straight.



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