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Flea Infestation! *screams*

Kopaka Nuva Toa of Ice


So, me and my mom went to one of our (many) petsitting jobs today, the one with five cats, and it turns out that fleas had been breading in the house for a week but they didn't have any cats to stay in (because the cats were confined to rooms and the fleas couldn't find them) and so whoopdedoop and I have 20 fleas hanging out inside my socks just from walking on the floor, so I go outside (after finishing) and kill em all and they just keep appearing, apparently they liked my pants, there may have been like 10 hangin on the back of my pants and 10 in my socks and another 10 in and on my shoes, BLEGH... I realy dislike fleas, espeacialy when they bite. And we still have this job for another few days.





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