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I see I lost a star, oh well! =)


Alright I became part of the SSCC on the 20th at sometime and am happy to say "Ready for duty sir!" =P


I have also written up a new SS on the 19th, I am too lazt to provide a link right now, but if curiousity is going to kill you over, link to library in sig, and link to story in library. (Loneliness is its name BTW)


I changed me name from Last Stand's Teleporter to Spink. Yes Spink, I like the word Spink as I like saying it for some odd reason or other.


Sooooo, today I have been reading around and about and noticed a slight increase in CoT of these "what is the ___est thing you have seen?" topics. At a first glance I deemed them as harmless when the first was made, but then there was a second and a third, and I believe a fourth possibly a fifth.


I posted in some yes, because I found them interesting at the time, but I guess what I am trying to say is, if the "What is your ____ plan?" topics had all been shut down and a rule made against making them for the reason that they were choking up the forum and getting to be annoying and spammy at times, why go down the same path with these new ones?


Perhaps it is because the first did so well and you wished to have another topic do just as well so you post practically the same question, but slightly modified. Like instead of saying "What is the cutest thing you have seen?" and then making practically the same topic twenty or so minutes after saying "What is the ugliest thing you have seen?"


(note I am just using this particular topic as an example and is nothing more than that)


I mean, perhaps one or two would be good for a while, but why make so many more when the others are still around? Even if you have slightly different topics? From what I see so far is that a few of the newer ones have become a tad bit spammy (not that much, but it is there) and then I began to wonder if there would be a new rule about these topics as well.


(On a similiar note, more of a suggestion, if you have a topic that can be made into several thousand other topics like the two I have just mentioned, why not wait until the first one or two are dead before making a new one, as in my personall thinking you would get more replies that aren't spammy and stay on topic better.


I just thought I should clear that long thought out of my head as it was daring me to post it and I don't like being challenge like that so I posted it.


Feel free to post negative and/or positive feedback about my little statement.


That is all that was on my mind.


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Wow, that was the longest entry I've ever seen here!


What's up with all the users with 'Last Stand's' in their name? Is it, like, a WoW thing or something? And why'd you decide to leave their ranks?

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The Last Stand's fad was all about trying to get new members to the RPG located in CoT. It was I think either Sisen's, or possibly Takuna's idea although I could be wrong, and when Last Stand's Telekenitic changed his name back to Sisen, well LSAW became TPTI and LSWM became Sumdood. The others have yet to change.


It was a small fad which annoyed everybody (which was why it stuck around for as long as it did =P) It was fun while it lasted, but now I am Spink, nearly went with Kester, or Lord Kester...


Oh, and I have seen muuuuch longer entries =P

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Well, if that's not confusing...:P


I know, SPIRIT breaks a record with every new post, and Bonesiii...Bonesiii's entries are epic. I won't even read them they're so epic. I'm not gonna live long enough to read Bonesiii's blog, I'll die of old age and still wonder what his point is exactly. :P

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I like Bonseiii's explosion pictures a lot, I wish I had gotten to that idea first =P


The things I read in blogs most of the time are either important things that I should take notice of (in most of the staffie's blogs), or a tutorial on ho wto make Bonesiii's coolified masks, which I still FAIL at making...

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Wow. I didn't really think that anyone cared that much about being in the SSCC...like enough to have an entry that barely mentions it.


I'm glad I don't live in SPIRIT's or bonesii's blog. That would be way too much to handle. I just live in TtW's, but he hasn't updated in...maybe 2 months because he's in my mom's homeland, China!

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I have never been outside the U.S, although I will eventually it's just getting one of those passports has been some of the most annoying things in my and my family's life ><


At least I did mentin it =P, I feel special being part of the SSCC, but I thought talking up three pages about it would really end up being a waste of someone's time to read through...

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