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So Its The Summer Holidays. What Will We Do? ...



Well, the holidays are upon us and all is good in the world. BZpower has had its seventh brthday and has given all its members premier membership perks for the week. so to take advantage of this i have made this very blog. however, I havnt a clue what to put in it. ive never made a blog before so I have no idea what im meant to do in it. oh well, here it goes...


Hi, I thought I would put some requests and a list of upcoming projects I will hopefully be working on over the next six weeks. Ill do the requests first (well when I say that its only two)


1.) I desperately need printable scans of all the Ignition bionicle comics. if anyone here has even one, if they could PM them to me it wolud be greatly apprecated.


2.)this one only goes to people in england: does anyone know of any shops here that sell the Bionicle books, not just the sets as I have to order them from America. if you do, please PM me with the shops name. (please note I may not live in the same area as you so please limit this to chain stores, it will be no help if it is a small corner shop in lands end for instance)


And now moving on to the projects:


I and my Friends from school love a television program called "Red Dwarf". it is a show about a man stuck alone in deep space with only a senile computer, a cleaning droid, a being that evolved from the ships cat and a hologram of his dead bunk-mate after being trapped in suspened animation for 3 million years. we wish to recreate the very first episode of this ledgendary series ourselves with myself playing the hologram Arnold J. Rimmer. once we get this filmed I will post the finished product on BZpower for all to see our acting "talents" :unsure:


the next is something that you can all get involved in. i wish to create a flash animation for the Bzp community. it will be called "The bionicle music concert!. it will include BZPers like yourself playing characters from the storyline singing their heartlights out in amusing versions of well known songs, tweaked to their unuiverse (for Example nuparu inika singing "im flying with my mask" to the tune of the well known westlife song "im flying without wings", and no, im not a fan) if you are interested please PM me with your song ideas and i will give you the details.


Well thats my blog. I hope you have found it enlightening.


:kakamanu: :t: :m_p: :n: :kakamanu:

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well, the Red Dwarf project looks very interesting, and there's a bunch of people at your school who know and love that show, wow, you're lucky, I'm like the only student (apart from one or two others) in my whole school who actually likes that kind of humour, everyone else watches South Park :(

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