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The Council Of Vampires



The Vampire Council


Chapter One

Written by Axxerous



Rain poured down outside of the small house that seemed to always be dark. It was dark for a reason. Inside the house, sitting in silence was a small being. That being was still growing, but it felt like the world was only trying to compress it, and make it smaller. The sound of raindrops on the window echoed throughout the entire house. Faint thunder crackled in the distance. Rain water flooded under the cracks of the door, soaking the floor, and weakening the wood panels. The being never stirred, it just sat, alone in the dark. It seemed storms comforted the being, but comfort to this being was different. Comfort was darkness. The storm provided that darkness. Though, the being still had comfort in company, but no company was present at the time. No company was ever present. No one cared for this being. No one ever had, and it seemed like no one ever would. Though, the beings heart was always open, incase someone decided to be different from everyone else. The being was different from everyone else. Not just it’s personality, but it wasn’t the same species either. It wasn’t human, nor was it an animal. The being was a vampire. Beasts who take on human form. Though this was not a blood-thirsty evil vampire, it was a pure-blooded, good-hearted vampire. It only seeked to help others, but no one ever allowed it. Or else no one would recognize it for it’s good deeds. Vampires were always excluded from parties and other events, even though no one knew they were vampires. They were just different, and different in a way no human cared for. Every vampire would grow up and be sorrow filled. Though this one being didn’t let the harsh attitudes of others corrupt it’s future, for that very rainy day, it sat in the darkness with a smile on it’s face. It had a plan. It knew how to bring vampires the company they needed without the harsh judgment, and the harsh attitudes. This being grew up with it’s idea. The idea of the Vampire Council. A council where great vampires could meet and converse about important things. So this being, Axxerous, and the few friends it had made, became closer, and Axxerous created the Vampire Council for those few people to help make greater. Though, even those few people seemed to ignore Axxerous, for the never attended meetings. But Axxerous would not give up. The Council had only begun.



Chapter Two

Written by Ghost in the SocialSystem on Gaia


Axxerous stiffened. She had heard a sound many kilometers away approaching from the south. It made a weird noise, not like a horse, a car, or a motorcycle like the ones she had seen in magazines that people from the nearest village throw out. She has not been outside much for a week in fear that she'll miss a possible member visiting her "lair" mentioned in the flyer she set up for her council. So she "borrowed" magazines or newspapers whenever she could to keep up in the news. Today though, she wishes she had went out because whatever was approaching gave off a presence that she feels she should fear. Though, because of her anti-prejudice nature, she feels she should not fear what she does not know about like how people treated her. The noise stopped. A sweat drops. Ragged breathing escalates. Rats scurry back into their holes. It was the longest 10 seconds she has ever perceived. Finally, the figure slowly opened the door and took a step in. It looks to both sides, as if absorbing the life from the dark stale moist room. She could see the green tribal tattoo clearly as if it glowed. "You can come out now," it said. Axxerous came out as told, used to being commanded to avoid conflict. "How would you like it, a crucifix in the heart, holy water in the mouth, a fast death or a slow one?" But as Axxerous came closer finally visible in the moonlight and just stood there taking the presence of the new one in, but the being was surprised by her aura. He knew she was different and was only testing her, but her presence was full of... hope. "No pleading? No last stand? So you do not fear me, eh? Even though I am naturally your enemy?" The small vampire was perplexed, "Enemies?" Before she finished though, the new one came up to her a noiselessly pulled out a knife and nicked her finger which he had also unexpectantly pulled away from her. After said act, he did something out-of-the-norm, he began to lick the knife! "No, " She yelled, "Its poisonous to humans! Even vamps can't drink vampire blood!" "Who said I was human,... or a vampire. You see... I'm a Crusnik!" the Crusnik boasted. "I have come to help your cause. It appears I am the first," the still unnamed man implored. "No your not said!" replied a shadow leaning against the wall. "Who are you?" said the Crusnik. "You come uninvited and question me? How rude!" said the shadow. "Fine, my name is...", hesitated the man ", I have no name, but people call me Ghost." "I am Kora, the Vampire god!" "I am Axxerous and this is the Council of... Vampires, but I guess we'll allow you to join us." And that was the night that the council began to prosper...



Chapter 3

Written by The Dragon-keeper 503 on Gaia


Axxerous felt another Vampire approach. This one was.....different, not normal at all. It smelled alive.... and yet dead. There was blood in it's veins, but not it's blood. So, Axxerous waited, hiding in the shadows, to analyze the new approach. A tall, blue haired vampire approached.

"I've come to see Axxerous," The vampire said. "I am Selos, representative to the Zanos clan. We are the living vampires." Selos stood proud, her hood still hiding her eyes.


Axxerous came out of the shadows and asked, "You will join our cause?"


"Yes," Selos replied, "and my clan will help when needed. We're having a bit of a problem with the Crusnik at home. They send their apologies about not being able to come. But seeing as I'm open minded about things, they sent me here." Selos bowed to Axxerous.


"Then you are excepted, but I warn you, we have a Crusnik on our council. So show him respect." Axxerous warned.


"I have no problems with Crusniks," Selos replied, "I find them fascinating. Its my sisters who have problems, well.......only if their female."


"How so?" Axxerous asked.


"My clan is female only. They have problems with sharing their mates, even if only they see the male that way, and not vice versa." Selos replied smirking.


"Oh.......well, this one is male, but don't get any ideas." Axxerous warned.


"Zanos don't court. The males come to us." Selos said coldly, as if offended.


"No offence intended." Axxerous said.


"Then none received," Selos replied, her voice softening, "who are the other members of the counsel?"


"Come and see them for yourself." Axxerous replied. Axxerous walked inside, with Selos fallowing.



"I am Kora, the Vampire God." Kora said, forming out of the shadows.


"Selos of Zanos." Selos said, bowing.


A man walked from the shadows, "I am called Ghost, and I'm a Crusnik."


"Selos of Zanos." Selos repeated holding her hand, palm up, so Ghost could try her blood, as was custom where she came from. Ghost pulled his knife out and barely slit her finger.


"I warn you, its strong." Selos said. Her body began to expel hormones into the air, she had no control.


Ghost was effected by the hormones and licked her blood from the knife. The hormones and the blood made him want more. Selos quickly pulled her hand back and licked her own finger, causing the hormones to stop.

Ghost suddenly stopped craving her blood.


A faint smile showed around the edge of Selos's hood, "I warned you."

Axxerous was perplexed, she couldn't figure out what was going on, so she dismissed it. The council had grown, and that was all that mattered...........


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