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Lsw - Where's That Last Dang Bonus Canister



Hours and hours and hours spent on LSW II demo... and I can't for the life of me find that last bonus canister! I can't believe how much it's bugging me, and how many times I've run through the entire level (at about 1.5 hours a shot). When what I should be doing is writing about how cool Bionicle Heroes is (that should finally be done tonight, hopefully, for a publication time of later in the week).


The good news, I guess, is that LSW II is gonna be a huge hit, and I'm getting a head start.




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It's out now, Xbox Magazine gave it a pretty decent review.


*waits for stream of bad Star Wars and Lego jokes to come in*

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If ze game really be out, zen Sir Binky, do not let it stop you from postin' that thar Bioncle Heroes stuffs. While Star Wars owns n' all, Bionicle be more importan' to ze majorhaty of zis 'ere site. Good luck wiz ze demo till then, though.


And I'm a-talkin' weird cause I a-feels likes it.




May the Brick be with you.

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Here's a link to the demo from LEGOFan. That should get you to a place where you can d/l the demo.


The full game won't be out until Sept. 12. The Bionicle Heroes game is slated for mid-November.


I was just looking at all the pictures I took during the visit to TT Games and Traveller's Tales, I think you guys will like them. And the sample video I shot as well. I really do need to finish that story... oh, and there's a ton of cool info about the BH game that I get to share with you.


- Bink

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Wait... i though Bionicle Heroes is released in November? :wacko:


LSW2 Looks fun...I might get it for the DS, and make a Princess Darth Vader :sly:

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Wait... i though Bionicle Heroes is released in November? :wacko:


LSW2 Looks fun...I might get it for the DS, and make a Princess Darth Vader :sly:

Yep, you're right, finger-fart... November 10.

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I also didn't know there was a demo. Does it work on MAC? I might be a ble to find a last bonus canister by a full grid sweep if it does.


Never mind. It doesn't. Good luck on finding it!

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I know where it is if you're wondering.

Share! Please!

There is a topic on the GameSpot forums with the answers if you're wondering. ^__^

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Ok, the one that I found last is the one inside the movie theatre: you need to blow up the screen to see it. That's the last one in terms of distance from the beginning, also. Another hard one to find was in the area where you build the walker. You need to blow up the silver things first. In one of them you will find peices, which you will need to build. Then have your character push the green side until he can't anymore. Build with the peices that fall, and the rest is obvious.


If it's not either of those, then it might be the one where you build these two guns in the same area I just mentioned and shoot ten of those rat things.


If it's none of these, I might be able to come up with a list after marching band or something.


And on a different note, I am definetely getting this game when it comes out. It's very fun, and it'll make up for my not getting the first one.

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Ok, the one that I found last is the one inside the movie theatre: you need to blow up the screen to see it.

I think that's the one I'm missing. I'll try that.


- Bink

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I'm pretty sure the code pops up soon after you find the last canister. I can't remember, though, so don't take my word for it.


And BTW, it was my brother who found the movie-theatre canister. Kind of funny, since he's only six. :lol:

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DANGER! Do not scroll down any further unless you are absolutely desperate!!!

Sorry, the spoiler tags aren't working, but I am desperate to share this info!



















If you found all those pesky canisters, your secret code (to be used in the full version) is NAH118.

Other codes:

Sand Trooper: YDV451

Jawa: JAW499

Greedo: PEJ821

-Toa Of Justice

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