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The Inika Annoyance

Schizo Kaita


Okay, second entry for today. That's two out of three, folks. I need to not mess up my category system, if you're wondering.


As mentioned in the previous entry, I'm now €25.90 (that's about 33.50 USD) poorer for buying Hewkii and Nuparu Inika. Looks like they really are 12.95 a pop.


Now, I'm big enough of a Bionicle fan to buy the sets anyway. I realize Bionicle does not have as loyal a fanbase as it does in the US and Canada, and that, in order for the sets to be cost-effective here in the EU, us Old World people are going to have to fork over more cash than our trans-atlantic brethren.

The Inika are great sets, don't get me wrong. They're not annoying at all, in fact, they're some of the best sets I've had my hands on in ages: a new ball joint, new colours, new parts in old colours, a lime and white dome-shaped head, light-up action... They're worth every dime.


So why am I still annoyed? Well, in addition to the instruction booklet, there was also this. Turns out I have to make do with an ersatz part. It doesn't change anything about the functioning of the Zamor launcher, but that's not the point. I'm paying good money for these sets, more money than other people, and then they don't even include the original parts? It's annoying. Very annoying.


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So wait. Which piece are they supposed to have? I bought Nuparu and Hewkii myself, and they both came with the piece x-ed out, but with no little thingy like yours.

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Last I checked ET, you live in the US, right? Skizzy here lives out there in Europe. Belgium, I believe he's said.


Yeah, those are good parts. Sad to see you're being cheaped out of them. And the sad thing is it's quite common for Lego to do that now.

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Yeah, now ET is confused. So that little pamphlet thingy is saying the set doesn't have those pieces included? If that's it, then that sucks. If not... Then what is wrong?


Yes, I live in the US. But, prices aside, they're the same sets.

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ET, the part crossed out has been replaced by the normal 4-axle. It doesn't make much of a difference (in fact, hardly any), but it's just the principle of the matter.
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I totally agree. Not only are they cranking up the price on you, but then they're replacing a more unusual part with something that you find in almost every set.


It's not a very polite move. They're using you guys as a means of upping profits on both ends (fewer parts being produced, and increased cost)

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