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A Teaser? No Wai!




As the clouds gathered above the humid canopies of Ulacant IV's many swamps, something else added it's voice to the chorus of alarmed animals. The usually shadowy swamplands nestled in between the deep and treacherous canyons were illuminated by violent strikes of lightning. Waterfalls ran down deep from the dark and ominus clouds above- the rainfall hammered the dry wastelands above and flooded the swamps below, the many nocturnal creatures below chattering and babbling as it raged on. But it was not the wild storms way above that were making them nervous. As the world above washed away plant and soil down below, something was unvieled in the many flash floods.


Another bolt cast the swamp in light, but this was not lightning from above, but in fact crackling green lightning from below...


Deep beneath muck and root, lifeless caverns shuddered and drew stale breath. An already eerie feeling that drifted through the slippery ruins grew- the caverns were deathly quiet, but the faintest of sounds echoed through the caverns, easily dismissed as the wings of many bats taking flight amongst the stalactites. But the shifting of shadows in the darkness hinted at something else. The low, droning hum grew, and then thundered into a climax. The caverns flashed an unearthly glow, and then all was black again until two empty pits lit up like sickly emralds in the unending night.


The rusted, metal skull in the rock jiggled once before realising it was stuck. A moment later, the rock it was entombed in crumbled to dust without effort. Crawling metal limbs attatched to steel ligaments without a sound, save the scraping of carapace against stone. The assembled figure hovered upwards from it's resting spot and turned itself upright effortlessly. With a faint hiss of joints moving for the first time in a millenia, the figure raised an arm and beckoned it's long sleeping staff from the earth. A rotted, damp cloak that enveloped the metal figure began to lift itself on an otherworldly breeze, and the machine , haunched and ready, skulked out towards the world above.


The harvest was about to begin, and it had all the time in the world.



Now come back, my blog-goers! D=


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