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You know how in SpongeBob Squarepants, Squidward's clarinet playing is horrible? Well, my sister is Squidward. Really. And clarinets are loud.


Anyway, I recently spent the night at a friend's house for a sleepover before everyone goes their separate ways due to summer vacations. (Well, except me. I have to work. All I'll get is a three-day camping trip with my maternal extended family.) We watched Next, Rat Race (Rowan Atkinson FTW), Steel Magnolias (*dies unto self*), and this other movie with a really long name which I have forgotten. Something to do with Wesley Snipes. There were many moments of amusement, but one of the best (bestness being subjective to what I may find mildly amusing at any given time) occurred the morning after, when I was still totally stoned out from lack of sleep.


I was perched on the corner of the couch, which is close to the door, which has a large window in it, over which shades were drawn. Everyone else was sprawled out on chairs and the hide-a-bed.


*knock on door*

*nobody does anything*

*another knock*

Me: Oh hey, someone's at the door.

Someone: Who is it?

*peeks behind shades and checks*

Me: It's some guy.

Someone else: Who?

*checks again*

Me: He has a mustache.

Someone else: Maybe it's my dad.

*checks for a third time, this time bothering to stare out the door for more than a couple seconds*

Me: Hey, yeah, it is.

Someone else: Let him in.

Me: Okay--stupid couch--


Yeah. Sleep deprivation results in decreased brain savvyness.


Also, I bought Speedboat Rescue. <3!


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I don't have an MSN :crying:

Somebody tell me what's going on, please....


How was Next. I'm tempted to see it sometime.


Glad you had fun. My friends and our sleepovers usually result in late nights of Lego and movies.



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I don't have an MSN :crying:

Somebody tell me what's going on, please....


How was Next. I'm tempted to see it sometime.


Glad you had fun. My friends and our sleepovers usually result in late nights of Lego and movies.



It's okay, neither do I...


Wait, is that the Nicholas Cage movie?


It had a somewhat dull ending, but an amazing plot twist right before.


In other words, I think you should see it.


Despite the fact you weren't asking me.





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