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the Secret Place



Well, yesterday I told you I was going somewhere secret. :P


Heheh, well, I went to Steelers Training Camp. Pretty awesome. I got Hines Ward's autograph, but I couldn't get anyone else's. ;.;


So yeah, it was cool :P


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I'm going to kill you for that.






So. How much do you want for the autograph? :P




Takatu: Football. They're only last year's Super Bowl winners, why would eeever know who they are? (Unless you're, like, European/Canadian/Australian/Etc. or somethin', then it's understandable) >_>

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Nope. American. I'm not up to date on that newfangled sports whatchamacallits. :P


I only watch the Superbowl for the commercials. I do snack and bathroom breaks when the actual game is on.

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Cool. Steelers are my new favorite football team -- they're my uncle's too. My favorite players are Roethlesberger (sp?), Bettis, and Palumalu (sp?). They are also the only players I can remember the names of... :P



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Takatu: Football. They're only last year's Super Bowl winners, why would eeever know who they are? (Unless you're, like, European/Canadian/Australian/Etc. or somethin', then it's understandable) >_>

It's understandable if you're not into sports or football. And I call soccer football, though I'm Canadian... Some Canadians call it football, but not me...


WE aRE ZE ALieNs thaT cAll SoCceR FoOtbalL! o_O


Just kidding.


But is that place really a secret now, Spitty? :P

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Not everyone be into football ;)



I stick to Baseball... my poor San Fransisco Giants are being destroyed :(

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DudeNuva: I live near Pittsburgh! Spitty's about 30 min. - 45 min. closer to the actual city than me, though. :P


And Eagles fail. End of story.

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Hey Spit, do you actually live near Pittsburgh? :pirate:



No, I live near Spittsburgh =P


...yeah, I do.


EDIT: Booyah on the second line, ET :P

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packers own all....


mobius, who is too nonconformist to vote for the cowboys and only signs off when he doesn't have a proper emoticon for an expression

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